Case roles
The case grammar is only implemented for Danish (and is
work-in-progress by Søren Harder). For
information about what case roles are, and the underlying principles
behind the case system used, see here. The case-roles in
this document are
ordered alphabetically. For each role some examples are given, and some
guidelines to, in which contexts it is found (syntactic function,
prepositions) together with notes on, which other case roles it may be
confused with.
DEFINITION: The human or non-human instigator of the event described by the verb. The causal starting point of the clause.
Subject in active sentences or 'by'/'af'-phrases. %EXP may also be subjects.
- Lise og hendes kat listede sig ind i stuen.
- Sølvtøjet fangede dagens sidste stråler.
DEFINITION: The human or
non-human entity for the benefit of which an action is
undertaken or whose well-being (or lack thereof) is under
consideration. See also %TH.
object. PP w/ for.
- Han købte sin bedstemor en frakke.
- Han gav bilen en ny lakering.
- Vera Lynn sang for soldaterne.
- Har du set reklamen for 'Blitz'?
- Bilen har ikke seler til børn.
- Det er værst for dig selv.
DEFINITION: Clausal role for causal adverbial
clauses. Also for events/states causing other events/states. %BEN denotes entities, where %CAUSE denotes
events/states. %PURP denotes (cognitive) reasons,
where %CAUSE denotes causation through a physical causal chain (possibly
including cognitive states/events).
TYPICAL USE: Not used a lot;
see examples
- Han fik en dom for bedrageri.
- Kiri te Kanawa fik stor applaus for arien.
- Jeg er ikke tilfreds med dit arbejde.
Commitative. Co-agent/experiencer: [Ag V with Com] = [Ag and Com
V]. Co-theme: [N1 has a N2 with Com] = [N1 and Com has a N2]
TYPICAL USE: PP w/ 'med' or
'mellem' (with/between).
- Peter var i biografen med Bente igår.
- Alle religioner kan sættes i forbindelse med
- Med den nye bro er Europa landfast med Slagelse.
- De er i krig med hinanden.
- Det er Rødhætte med vin og
kager til dig.
DEFINITION: Concessive. Clausal role used for reason not regarded.
TYPICAL USE: Used little. See examples.
- Jeg er ligeglad med din ligtorn.
DEFINITION: Condition. Clausal role.
TYPICAL USE: Not used at present.
DEFINITION: Content of
container, material of which something is made, ingredient.
TYPICAL USE: PP w/ 'af', 'med'
- Haven er overgroet med ukrudt.
- Der ligger en bunke af tøj i hjørnet.
- Økologi-museet har ingen montrer med truede dyr.
- Jeg vil gerne have en sodavand med brus.
- Jeg ønsker mig en CD med harmonika-musik i
- Heri røres 500 gram mel.
DEFINITION: This is not part
of the case-set. It is a help-tag that is put on constituents that are
do not require tags, to prevent other cases to be ascribed.
TYPICAL USE: Idioms. Objects
that are integral part of the predicate.
- Han havde lyst til at synge.
DEFINITION: Clausal role used for effect
TYPICAL USE: Used very little.
- Pjækkeri er ensbetydende med afskedigelse.
DEFINITION: Event. To be used
for the predicate (typically main verb). Also used for event-denoting
nouns (including Type Coerced nouns in the terminology of Pustejovsky
(1995)), that do not belong to a more specific clausal role (compare %TH.
TYPICAL USE: Main predicate:
not implemented yet. Event-denoting nouns: either by virtue of
noun-semantics, or as complement of certain verbs or adjectives
- Flytningen tog 3 timer.
- Er du færdig med avisen?
- Vil du hjælpe med klaveret.
DEFINITION: Experiencer. The
(conscious) being that senses an event or entity or entertains a thought.
TYPICAL USE: Subject of
cognitive verbs/adjectives.
- Anders så ikke problemet.
- Jeg troede bare ikke du ville.
- Måske bør vi være glade for, at de kommer til
- Ham kan ingen holde af.
- Jeg blev lidt underlig til mode.
DEFINITION: Instrument. The
object used by an agent to carry out the action. The causal mediary
between the agent and the patient.
TYPICAL USE:With certain verbs
(use) and after 'med' (with).
- Han brugte hammeren til at smadre vasen.
- Han smadrede vasen med hammeren.
- Fodring med medbragt mad er ikke tilladt i
- Guld er kun opløselig med kongevand.
DEFINITION: Clausal role for manner.
TYPICAL USE: not used.
DEFINITION: The object acted
upon. Compare: %TH, %EXP and
TYPICAL USE: Grammatical objects denoting
physical entities.
- Han sparkede sin mor.
- Sovsen blev ikke spist op.
- Handel med mennesker er ikke tilladt.
DEFINITION: Clausal role for purpose. The
future event/state that is enabled by the event described in the
predication. Compare: %CAUSE. (Previously %FIN.)
TYPICAL USE: Used little: see examples.
- Petersen kæmpede en kamp for en værdig død.
- Alle butikker i Århus sælger efterhånden udstyr til
- Danmark har meget store udgifter til sundhedsvæsenet.
DEFINITION: The resulting
quality. The state an entity enters. Compare: %QUAL-STATE
TYPICAL USE: Complements of
subjects and objects in dynamic copula-sentences; after 'blive'
- Man bliver gammel af at have børn.
- Han har bollet hende tyk.
- Skal vi ikke male Den Lille Havfrue gul?
DEFINITION:The state that an
entity is in. Compare: %QUAL-RES and %TEMP-PL.
TYPICAL USE: Complements of
subjects and objects, e.g. in static copula-sentences.
- Jeg er en meget talentfuld sanger.
- Jeg vil gerne se ham fuld
DEFINITION: Resultative. The
physical object that is created by an event. Compare: %TH and %PAT.
TYPICAL USE:Objects of certain
- Hun strikkede en sweater.
- Den mur, som du har bygget, kan ikke holde til
- Hun sagde mange mærkelige ting, mens hun var syg.
- Hun er gravid med en pige.
Goal". The ending point in time for an event. Also
metonymic ('undskyldning' in examples). Compare %TOP-PL,
TYPICAL USE: In temporal
prepositional phrases.
- Han blev siddende til midnat.
- Jeg venter på en undskyldning.
- Forud for valget var der mange spekulationer om udlandets reaktioner.
Place". The point or period in time that an event takes place. Also
metonymic ('dessert' in examples). Compare %TOP-PL,
%TEMP-GL and %TEMP-SRC. Overlaps %QUAL-STATE sometimes.
TYPICAL USE: In temporal
prepositional phrases.
- Han kom kl. 4.
- Han gik efter desserten.
- Han blev i Ljubljana resten af sit liv.
- Man skal stå op tidligt.
- Vi boede i Polen under 1. Verdenskrig.
- Han er under behandling med hormoner.
Source". The point or period in time that an event begins. Also
metonymic ('Saxo' in examples). Compare %TOP-SRC,
- Siden Saxo er det gået ned af bakke for dansk
- Der er åbent fra middag.
DEFINITION: "Theme". An entity
that do not parttake physically in the causal flow of the event.
TYPICAL USE: This is somewhat
of a garbage bin. I've used this for 2 different types of phenomena:
- subjects of copula (+stå,komme,hænge etc.)
- 'internal' objects, i.e. objects, that are not entities acted on
(%PAT) or created (%RES), a) non-physical entities in certain contexts
b) e.g. complements of Adj, and in other 'with respect to'-contexts.
- Hvem er det?
- Der stod en lygtepæl lidt længere fremme.
- Han er disponeret for sukkersyge og skal måske
engang i behandling for det.
- Toldsatsen for leguan-æg< stiger støt.
DEFINITION: "Topological
Place". Point or area in space where event occurs. Compare %TEMP-PL,
TYPICAL USE: In prepositional phrases
- Han bor i Danmark.
- På bordet lå en avis.
- Nord for Køge ligger en landsby.
DEFINITION: "Topological
Goal". Point or area in space that is the point of termination of event. Compare %TEMP-GL,
TYPICAL USE: In prepositional phrases.
- Jeg er på vej til Memphis, Tennesee.
- Blodet dryppede ned på gulvet.
- Hun kom dybere og dybere ind i skoven.
DEFINITION: "Topological
Source". Point or area in space from where events emanate. Origin. Compare %TEMP-SRC,
TYPICAL USE: In prepositional phrases.
- Han kommer fra Hjørring.
- Han kørte bilen ud af garagen.
DEFINITION: Not part of the
TYPICAL USE: To handle problem cases, that I can make rules for, but
still haven't decided which case to assign.