Copyright © 2007-2024 GrammarSoft ApS
Table of Contents
List of Tables
Table of Contents
This manual should be regarded as a guideline. Some of the features or functionality described is either not implemented yet, or does not work exactly as advertised. A good place to see what is and is not implemented is to run the regression test suite as the test names are indicative of features. The individual tests are also good starting points to find examples on how a specific feature works.
This document describes the design, features, implementation, usability, etc of an evolution in the constraint grammar formalism.
I have called this version of CG "VISL CG-3" since it implements the functionality of the VISL CG-2 variant of constraint grammar and is a general update of the grammar format and parser features that warrants a version bump. VISL CG-3 is feature-wise backwards compatible with CG-2 and VISLCG, and contains switches to enforce their respective behavior in certain areas.
Even before any other designing and development had started, the desire to include Unicode support was a strong requirement. By default, the codepage for the grammar file, input stream, and output stream is detected from the environment. Internally and through switches there is full support for Unicode and any other encoding known by the Unicode library. I have chosen the International Components for Unicode library as it provides strong cross-platform Unicode support with built-in regular expressions.
All public discussion, feature requests, bug reports, and talk of related technologies happen in the Constraint Grammar via Google Groups.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
If you plan on embedding VISL CG-3 into an open source project released under an OSI approved license that is not compatible with the GPL, please contact GrammarSoft ApS so we can grant you an explicit exception for the license or project.
Table of Contents
These guidelines are primarily for Linux, although I develop on Windows using Visual Studio.
A few have wondered how one installs into a different folder than the default /usr/local when there is no --prefix option to CMake.
Either pass --prefix=/your/folder/here
to ./
or run cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/folder/here .
if you have already run
CMake also supports the common DESTDIR environment variable.
Also, you do not need to run at every build; make will detect stale files and re-run CMake as needed, just like automake. The script is to force a completely clean rebuild.
For any currently supported version of Debian/Ubuntu or compatible derivatives thereof (such as Linux Mint), there is a ready-made nightly repository, easily installable via
wget -O - | sudo bash sudo apt-get install cg3
Rest of this page can be skipped.
Steps tested on a clean install of Ubuntu 12.10, but should work on any version. It is assumed you have a working network connection.
Launch a Terminal from Applications -> Accessories, and in that do
sudo apt-get install g++ libicu-dev subversion cmake libboost-dev build-essential cd /tmp/ git clone cd cg3/ ./ make -j3 ./test/ sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Rest of this page can be skipped.
For any currently supported version of these RPM-based distros or compatible derivatives thereof, there is a ready-made nightly repository, installable via e.g.
wget -O - | sudo bash yum check-upgrade yum install cg3
See openSUSE:Build_Service_Enduser_Info for how to use on other distros. Rest of this page can be skipped.
Steps tested on a clean install of CentOS 6.3, but should work on any version. It is assumed you have a working network connection.
Launch a Terminal from Applications -> System Tools, and in that do
su - yum install gcc-c++ libicu-devel subversion cmake boost-devel make cd /tmp/ git clone cd cg3/ ./ make -j3 ./test/ make install ldconfig
Rest of this page can be skipped.
Launch a Terminal and in that do
curl | sudo bash
Rest of this page can be skipped.
Or if you want to install from source, do
brew install cmake brew install boost brew install icu4c brew link icu4c cd /tmp git clone cd cg3/ ./ make -j3 ./test/ make install
Rest of this page can be skipped. If you get errors that ICU cannot be found, you may have to add -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/opt/icu4c/include -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib to the line.
Launch a Terminal and in that do
curl | sudo bash
Rest of this page can be skipped.
Or if you want to install from source, do
sudo port install cmake sudo port install boost sudo port install icu cd /tmp git clone cd cg3/ ./ make -j3 ./test/ sudo make install
Rest of this page can be skipped.
Installing from source is very similar to Linux, but since the developer tools for OS X are so large, we provide binaries from the download folder. Look for file named cg3-latest.tar.bz2. The archive contains the vislcg3, cg-comp, cg-proc, and cg-conv tools, the ICU library binaries.
Installing from source is rather complicated due to lack of standard search paths for libraries, so we provide binaries from the download folder. Look for files named and/or The archive contains the vislcg3, cg-comp, cg-proc, and cg-conv tools and the ICU library DLLs. May also require installing the VC++ 2010 redist or VC++ 2008 redist.
International Components for Unicode are required to compile and run VISL CG-3. Only need to do this once, however it must be done unless you already have a recent (newer or equal to ICU 3.6) version installed. ICU 3.4 may also work, but is considerably slower. Latest info on ICU can be found at I always develop and test with the latest version available.
Newer distributions may have a usable version of ICU available for install via the usual yum or apt managers. Just make sure to get the developer package alongside the runtime libraries.
If you do not have ICU from your distribution, manual install is as follows. These steps have been tested on all Red Hat based distributions from RH8 to Fedora 8. Similar steps have been tested on Ubuntu 7.10, and Mac OS X 10.3 to 10.5 both PPC and Intel. They may vary for your distribution.
As root:
cd /tmp wget -c \ '' tar -zxvf icu4c-53_1-src.tgz cd icu/source/ ./runConfigureICU Linux make make install echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/ ldconfig
This step requires you have Subversion installed. Subversion binaries are very likely available for your distribution already; try using yum install subversion or apt-get install subversion or whichever package manager your distribution uses.
As any user in any folder where you can find it again:
git clone cd cg3/ ./ make ./test/ ... and if all tests succeed ... make install
In the same folder you chose above, as the same user:
$ svn up $ make $ ./test/ ... and if all tests succeed ... $ make install
After successfully compiling the binary, you can run the regression test suite with the command:
This will run a series of tests that should all exit with "Success Success". If a test on your end exits with "Fail", please tar up that tests' folder and send it to me alongside any ideas you may have as to why it failed.
The anonymous user does not have commit rights, and also cannot access any other part of the repository. If you want commit rights to VISL CG-3, just tell me...
Table of Contents
Things to be aware of.
In CG-3 all cohorts have at least one reading. If none are given in the input, one is generated from the wordform. These magic readings can be the target of rules, which may not always be intended.
For example, given the input
"<word>" "word" N NOM SG "<$.>"
a magic reading is made so the cohorts internally looks like
"<word>" "word" N NOM SG "<$.>" "<$.>" <<<
The above input combined with a rule a'la
MAP (@X) (*) ;
will give the output
"<word>" "word" N NOM SG @X "<$.>" "<$.>" <<< @X
because MAP promoted the last magic reading to a real reading.
If you do not want these magic readings to be the possible target of rules, you can use the cmdline option --no-magic-readings. Internally they will still be generated and contextual tests can still reference them, but rules cannot touch or modify them directly. SETCHILD is an exception.
In CG-2 and VISLCG the keyword NOT behaved differently depending on whether it was in front of the first test or in front of a linked test. In the case of
(NOT 1 LSet LINK 1 KSet LINK 1 JSet)
the NOT would apply last, meaning it would invert the result of the entire chain, but in the case of
(1 LSet LINK NOT 1 KSet LINK 1 JSet)
it only inverts the result of the immediately following test.
CG-3 implements the NEGATE keyword to make the distinction clearer. This means that if you are converting grammars to CG-3 you must replace starting NOTs with NEGATEs to get the same functionality. So the first test should instead be
Alternatively you can use the --vislcg-compat (short form -2) to work with older grammars that you do not wish to permanently update to use NEGATE.
PREFERRED-TARGETS is currently ignored in CG-3. See PREFERRED-TARGETS for details.
CG-3 will auto-detect the codepage from the environment, which in some cases is not what you want. It is not uncommon to work with UTF-8 data but have your environment set to US-ASCII which would produce some unfortunate errors. You can use the runtime option -C to override the default codepage, and you should always enforce it if you plan on distributing packages that depend on a certain codepage.
In CG-2 the - operator meant set difference; in VISLCG it meant set fail-fast; in CG-3 operator - means something in between. The new operator ^ takes place of VISLCG's behavior, and operator \ takes the place of CG-2's behavior.
In CG-1 and some versions of CG-2, scanning tests could not pass the point of origin, but in CG-3 they can by default do so. The cmdline flag --no-pass-origin can set the default behavior to that of CG-1. See Scanning Past Point of Origin for more details.
In VISLCG the magic tags >>> and <<<, denoting sentence start and end respectively, could sometimes wind up in the output. In CG-3 they are never part of the output.
In CG-2 the order in which rules are applied on cohorts cannot be reliably predicted.
In VISLCG rules can be forced to be applied in the order they occur in the grammar, but VISLCG will try to run all rules on the current cohort before trying next cohort:
ForEach (Window) ForEach (Cohort) ForEach (Rule) ApplyRule
CG-3 always applies rules in the order they occur in the grammar, and will try the current rule on all cohorts in the window before moving on to the next rule. This yields a far more predictable result and cuts down on the need for many sections in the grammar.
ForEach (Window) ForEach (Rule) ForEach (Cohort) ApplyRule
Since any rule can be in any section, it is possible to write endless loops.
For example, this grammar will potentially loop forever:
SECTION ADD (@not-noun) (N) (0 (V)) ; ADD (@noun) (N) ; SECTION REMOVE (@noun) IF (0 (V)) ;
Since ADD is in a SECTION it will be run again after REMOVE, and since ADD does not block from further appending of mapping tags it can re-add @noun each time, leading to REMOVE finding it and removing, ad nauseum.
In order to prevent this, the REMOVE rule can in most cases be rewritten to:
REMOVE (N) IF (0 (@noun) + (N)) (0 (V)) ;
That is, the target of the REMOVE rule should be a non-mapping tag with the mapping tag as 0 context. This will either remove the entire reading or nothing, as opposed to a single mapping tag, and will not cause the grammar to rewind.
Similarly, it is possible to make loops with APPEND and SELECT/REMOVE/IFF combinations, and probably many other to-be-discovered mixtures of rules. Something to be aware of.
In CG-1, CG-2, and VISLCG it was not always clear when you could refer to a previously mapped in the same grammar. In VISL CG-3 all changes to readings become visible to the rest of the grammar immediately.
The contextual positions 'cc' and 'c*' may at first glance seem to behave exactly the same, but there is a subtle difference when combined with the left-of/right-of filters that can lead to wildly different cohorts being chosen in rules asking for TO/FROM contextual targets:
cc will first create a complete list of all children and grand-children, then apply any left-of/right-of filters.
c* will apply left-of/right-of filters at each step down the child tree, not following any branch which doesn't uphold the filter.
The CG-2 spec says that readings in the format
"word" tag @MAP @MUP ntag @MIP
should be equivalent to
"word" tag @MAP "word" tag @MUP "word" tag ntag @MIP
Since the tag order does not matter in CG-3, this is instead equivalent to
"word" tag ntag @MAP "word" tag ntag @MUP "word" tag ntag @MIP
The CG-2 spec says that the first tag of a reading is the baseform, whether it looks like [baseform] or "baseform". This is not true for CG-3; only "baseform" is valid.
The reason for this is that CG-3 has to ignore all meta text such as XML, and the only way I can be sure what is a reading and what is meta text is to declare that a reading is only valid in the forms of
"baseform" tag tags moretags "base form" tag tags moretags
and not in the forms of
[baseform] tag tags moretags baseform tag tags moretags
A list of binaries available and their usage information.
If command line arguments come from multiple sources, they are applied in this order, with later values overriding prior: CMDARGS
, environment variable CG3_DEFAULT
, arguments passed on the command line, CMDARGS-OVERRIDE
, environment variable CG3_OVERRIDE
vislcg3 is the primary binary. It can run rules, compile grammars, and so on.
Usage: vislcg3 [OPTIONS] Environment variable: CG3_DEFAULT: Sets default cmdline options, which the actual passed options will override. CG3_OVERRIDE: Sets forced cmdline options, which will override any passed option. Options: -h, --help shows this help -?, --? shows this help -V, --version prints copyright and version information --min-binary-revision prints the minimum usable binary grammar revision -g, --grammar specifies the grammar file to use for disambiguation --grammar-out writes the compiled grammar in textual form to a file --grammar-bin writes the compiled grammar in binary form to a file --grammar-only only compiles the grammar; implies --verbose --ordered (will in future allow full ordered matching) -u, --unsafe allows the removal of all readings in a cohort, even the last one -s, --sections number or ranges of sections to run; defaults to all sections --rules number or ranges of rules to run; defaults to all rules --rule a name or number of a single rule to run --nrules a regex for which rule names to parse/run; defaults to all rules --nrules-v a regex for which rule names not to parse/run -d, --debug enables debug output (very noisy) --debug-rules number or ranges of rules to debug -v, --verbose increases verbosity --quiet squelches warnings (same as -v 0) -2, --vislcg-compat enables compatibility mode for older CG-2 and vislcg grammars -I, --stdin file to read input from instead of stdin -O, --stdout file to print output to instead of stdout -E, --stderr file to print errors to instead of stderr --no-mappings disables all MAP, ADD, and REPLACE rules --no-corrections disables all SUBSTITUTE and APPEND rules --no-before-sections disables all rules in BEFORE-SECTIONS parts --no-sections disables all rules in SECTION parts --no-after-sections disables all rules in AFTER-SECTIONS parts -t, --trace prints debug output alongside normal output; optionally stops execution --trace-name-only if a rule is named, omit the line number; implies --trace --trace-no-removed does not print removed readings; implies --trace --trace-encl traces which enclosure pass is currently happening; implies --trace --deleted read deleted readings as such, instead of as text --dry-run make no actual changes to the input --single-run runs each section only once; same as --max-runs 1 --max-runs runs each section max N times; defaults to unlimited (0) --profile gathers profiling statistics and code coverage into a SQLite database -p, --prefix sets the mapping prefix; defaults to @ --unicode-tags outputs Unicode code points for things like -> --unique-tags outputs unique tags only once per reading --num-windows number of windows to keep in before/ahead buffers; defaults to 2 --always-span forces scanning tests to always span across window boundaries --soft-limit number of cohorts after which the SOFT-DELIMITERS kick in; defaults to 300 --hard-limit number of cohorts after which the window is forcefully cut; defaults to 500 -T, --text-delimit additional delimit based on non-CG text, ensuring it isn't attached to a cohort; defaults to /(^|\n)</s/r -D, --dep-delimit delimit windows based on dependency instead of DELIMITERS; defaults to 10 --dep-absolute outputs absolute cohort numbers rather than relative ones --dep-original outputs the original input dependency tag even if it is no longer valid --dep-allow-loops allows the creation of circular dependencies --dep-no-crossing prevents the creation of dependencies that would result in crossing branches --no-magic-readings prevents running rules on magic readings -o, --no-pass-origin prevents scanning tests from passing the point of origin --split-mappings keep mapped readings separate in output -e, --show-end-tags allows the <<< tags to appear in output --show-unused-sets prints a list of unused sets and their line numbers; implies --grammar-only --show-tags prints a list of unique used tags; implies --grammar-only --show-tag-hashes prints a list of tags and their hashes as they are parsed during the run --show-set-hashes prints a list of sets and their hashes; implies --grammar-only --dump-ast prints the grammar parse tree; implies --grammar-only -B, --no-break inhibits any extra whitespace in output
cg-conv converts between stream formats. It can currently convert from any of CG, Niceline CG, Apertium, HFST/XFST, and plain text formats, turning them into CG, Niceline CG, Apertium, or plain text formats. By default it tries to auto-detect the input format and convert that to CG. Currently only meant for use in a pipe.
Usage: cg-conv [OPTIONS] Environment variable: CG3_CONV_DEFAULT: Sets default cmdline options, which the actual passed options will override. CG3_CONV_OVERRIDE: Sets forced cmdline options, which will override any passed option. Options: -h, --help shows this help -?, --? shows this help -p, --prefix sets the mapping prefix; defaults to @ -u, --in-auto auto-detect input format (default) -c, --in-cg sets input format to CG -n, --in-niceline sets input format to Niceline CG -a, --in-apertium sets input format to Apertium -f, --in-fst sets input format to HFST/XFST -x, --in-plain sets input format to plain text --add-tags adds minimal analysis to readings (implies -x) -C, --out-cg sets output format to CG (default) -A, --out-apertium sets output format to Apertium -F, --out-fst sets output format to HFST/XFST -M, --out-matxin sets output format to Matxin -N, --out-niceline sets output format to Niceline CG -X, --out-plain sets output format to plain text -W, --wfactor FST weight factor (defaults to 1.0) --wtag FST weight tag prefix (defaults to W) -S, --sub-delim FST sub-reading delimiters (defaults to #) -r, --rtl sets sub-reading direction to RTL (default) -l, --ltr sets sub-reading direction to LTR -o, --ordered tag order matters mode -D, --parse-dep parse dependency (defaults to treating as normal tags) --unicode-tags outputs Unicode code points for things like -> --deleted read deleted readings as such, instead of as text -B, --no-break inhibits any extra whitespace in output
cg-comp is a lighter tool that only compiles grammars to their binary form. It requires grammars to be in Unicode (UTF-8) encoding. Made for the Apertium toolchain.
USAGE: cg-comp grammar_file output_file
cg-proc is a grammar applicator which can handle the Apertium stream format. It works with binary grammars only, hence the need for cg-comp. It requires the input stream to be in Unicode (UTF-8) encoding. Made for the Apertium toolchain.
USAGE: cg-proc [-t] [-s] [-d] [-g] [-r rule] grammar_file [input_file [output_file]] Options: -d: morphological disambiguation (default behaviour) -s: specify number of sections to process -f: set the format of the I/O stream to NUM, where `0' is VISL format, `1' is Apertium format and `2' is Matxin (default: 1) -r: run only the named rule -t: print debug output on stderr -w: enforce surface case on lemma/baseform (to work with -w option of lt-proc) -n: do not print out the word form of each cohort -g: do not surround lexical units in ^$ -1: only output the first analysis if ambiguity remains -z: flush output on the null character -v: version -h: show this help
cg-strictify will parse a grammar and output a candidate STRICT-TAGS line that you can edit and then put into your grammar. Optionally, it can also output the whole grammar and strip superfluous LISTs along the way.
Usage: cg-strictify [OPTIONS] <grammar> Options: -?, --help outputs this help -g, --grammar the grammar to parse; defaults to first non-option argument -o, --output outputs the whole grammar with STRICT-TAGS --strip removes superfluous LISTs from the output grammar; implies -o --secondary adds secondary tags (<...>) to strict list --regex adds regular expression tags (/../r, <..>r, etc) to strict list --icase adds case-insensitive tags to strict list --baseforms adds baseform tags ("...") to strict list --wordforms adds wordform tags ("<...>") to strict list --all same as --strip --secondary --regex --icase --baseforms --wordforms
The cg-conv tool converts between various stream formats.
The cg-proc front-end processes the Apertium stream format, or can convert for use via cg-conv.
The VISL CG stream format is a verticalized list of word forms with readings and optional plain text in between. For example, the sentence "They went to the zoo to look at the bear." would in VISL format look akin to:
"<They>" "they" <*> PRON PERS NOM PL3 SUBJ "<went>" "go" V PAST VFIN "<to>" "to" PREP "<the>" "the" DET CENTRAL ART SG/PL "<zoo>" "zoo" N NOM SG "<to>" "to" INFMARK> "<look>" "look" V INF "<at>" "at" PREP "<the>" "the" DET CENTRAL ART SG/PL "<bear>" "bear" N NOM SG "<.>"
Or in CG terms:
"<word form>" static_tags "base form" tags
Also known as:
"<surface form>" static_tags "lexeme" tags
In more formal rules:
If the line begins with "< followed by non-quotes and/or escaped quotes followed by >"
(regex /^"<(.|\\")*>"/
) then it opens a new cohort.
If the line begins with whitespace followed by " followed by non-quotes and/or escaped quotes followed by "
(regex /^\s+"(.|\\")*"/
) then it is parsed as a reading, but only if a cohort is open at the time.
Thus, any such lines seen before the first cohort is treated as text.
Any line not matching the above is treated as text. Text is handled in two ways: If no cohort is open at the time, then it is output immediately. If a cohort is open, then it is appended to that cohort's buffer and output after the cohort. Note that text between readings will thus be moved to after the readings. Re-arranging cohorts will also re-arrange the text attached to them. Removed cohorts will still output their attached text.
This means that you can embed all kinda of extra information in the stream as long as you don't hit those exact
patterns. For example, we use <s id="unique-1234"> </s>
tags around sentences to keep track of them
for corpus markup.
Niceline input can be converted for use via cg-conv.
The Niceline format is primarily used in VISL and GrammarSoft chains to make the output more readable. Using the same example as for VISL CG format, that would look like:
They [they] <*> PRON PERS NOM PL3 SUBJ went [go] V PAST VFIN to [to] PREP the [the] DET CENTRAL ART SG/PL zoo [zoo] N NOM SG to [to] INFMARK> look [look] V INF at [at] PREP the [the] DET CENTRAL ART SG/PL bear [bear] N NOM SG .
Or in CG terms:
word form TAB [base form] tags TAB [base form] tags ...or quotes... word form TAB "base form" tags TAB "base form" tags ...or mixed... word form TAB "base form" tags TAB [base form] tags
In more formal rules:
If the line does not begin with < and contains a tab (\t, 0x09), then it is a cohort. Anything up to the first tab is the word form. Readings are tab delimited, where if the first tag is contained in [] or "" then it is taken as the base form. Tags are otherwise whitespace delimited.
Any line not matching the above is treated as text, same rules as for VISL CG format. Note that a tab character is required for it to be a cohort - a word or punctuation without the tab will be treated as text.
Plain text can be tokenized for use via cg-conv. It is a naive tokenizer that you should not use, and is only included as a last resort. Five minutes in any scripting language should give you a much better tokenizer.
The tokenization rules are simple:
Split tokens on any kind of whitespace.
Split punctuation from the start and end of tokens into tokens. Each punctuation character becomes a separate token.
Detect whether the token is ALLUPPER, Firstupper, or MiXeDCaSe and add a tag denoting it.
The token then becomes a cohort with one reading with a lower-case variant of the token as base form.
Table of Contents
A list of mapping tags that ADD/MAP/REPLACE should be able to operate on even though they were present on readings in the input stream.
REOPEN-MAPPINGS = @a @b @c ;
You can set default cmdline arguments with CMDARGS += ... ;
Currently arguments can only be added, hence +=
, but removing and assignment can be implemented if needed.
Similarly, CMDARGS-OVERRIDE += ... ;
will set cmdline arguments that will override the ones actually passed on the command line.
The order of argument sources is well defined.
CMDARGS += --num-windows 5 ;
You can affect how the grammar should be parsed with OPTIONS += ... ;
Currently options can only be added, hence +=
, but removing and assignment can be implemented if needed.
OPTIONS += no-inline-templates ;
Adds rule flag SAFE to all SETPARENT rules, meaning they won't run on cohorts that already have a parent. Can be countered per-rule with flag UNSAFE.
Disallows the use of inline sets in most places. They're still allowed in places that CG-2 did not consider sets, such as MAP, ADD, REPLACE, and ADDCOHORT tag lists, and in the context of a SET definition. Also, the special set (*) remains valid.
Disallows the use of inline templates in most places. They're still allowed in the context of a TEMPLATE definition.
Inverts the behavior of barriers on self tests. By default, barriers will stop if the self cohort matches. This can be toggled on a per context basis with modifier N, where self-no-barrier inverts the behavior of S vs. SN.
INCLUDE loads and parses another grammar file as if it had been pasted in on the line of the INCLUDE statement, with the exception that line numbers start again from 1. Included rules can thus conflict with rules in other files if they happen to occupy the same line in multiple files. It will still work as you expect, but --trace output won't show you which file the rules come from.
INCLUDE other-file-name ;
The file name should not be quoted and the line must end with semi-colon.
On Posix platforms the path will be shell expanded if it contains any of ~ $ *
The include candidate will be looked for at a path relative to the file performing the include.
Be careful not to make circular includes as they will loop forever.
If you use option STATIC
, only the passive parts of the grammar is loaded.
This is useful if you have an existing grammar that you don't want to split, but still want to reuse the sets
from it for other grammars. This is transitive - all grammars loaded from a static grammar will be static, even
if not explicitly loaded as such.
INCLUDE STATIC other-file-name ;
CG-2 has three seperate grammar sections: SETS, MAPPINGS, and CONSTRAINTS. VISLCG added to these with the CORRECTIONS section. Each of these can only contain certain definitions, such as LIST, MAP, or SELECT. As I understand it, this was due to the original CG parser being written in a language that needed such a format. In any case, I did not see the logic or usability in such a strict format. VISL CG-3 has a single section header SECTION, which can contain any of the set or rule definitions. Sections can also be given a name for easier identification and anchor behavior, but that is optional. The older section headings are still valid and will work as expected, though.
By allowing any set or rule definition anywhere you could write a grammar such as:
DELIMITERS = "<$.>" ; LIST ThisIsASet = "<sometag>" "<othertag>" ; SECTION LIST ThisIsAlsoASet = atag btag ctag ; SET Hubba = ThisIsASet - (ctag) ; SELECT ThisIsASet IF (-1 (dtag)) ; SECTION with-name; LIST AnotherSet = "<youknowthedrill>" ; MAP (@bingo) TARGET AnotherSet ;
Notice that the first LIST ThisIsASet is outside a section. This is because sets are considered global regardless of where they are declared and can as such be declared anywhere, even before the DELIMITERS declaration should you so desire. A side effect of this is that set names must be unique across the entire grammar, but as this is also the behavior of CG-2 and VISLCG that should not be a surprise nor problem.
Rules are applied in the order they are declared. In the above example that would execute SELECT first and then the MAP rule.
Sections may optionally have rule options (flags) which will be inherited by all rules within that section. Each new section resets this list. In order to parse the section name from rule options, the list of rule options must come after a :
with space before it.
See BEFORE-SECTIONS. Takes the place of what previously were the MAPPINGS and CORRECTIONS blocks, but may contain any rule type.
See SECTION. Takes the place of what previously were the CONSTRAINTS blocks, but may contain any rule type.
See AFTER-SECTIONS. May contain any rule type, and is run once after all other sections. This is new in CG-3.
See NULL-SECTION. May contain any rule type, but is not actually run. This is new in CG-3.
The order and arrangement of BEFORE-SECTIONS and AFTER-SECTIONS in the grammar has no impact on the order normal SECTIONs are applied in.
An order of
is equivalent to
In VISL CG-3, the --sections flag is able to specify ranges of sections to run, and can even be used to skip sections. If only a single number N is given it behaves as if you had written 1-N.
While it is possible to specify a range such as 1,4-6,3 where the selection of sections is not ascending, the actual application order will be 1, 1:4, 1:4:5, 1:4:5:6, 1:3:4:5:6 - that is, the final step will run section 3 in between 1 and 4. This is due to the ordering of rules being adamantly enforced as ascending only. If you wish to customize the order of rules you will currently have to use JUMP or EXECUTE.
--sections 6 --sections 3-6 --sections 2-5,7-9,13-15
Table of Contents
Firstly, the CG-2 optional seperation keywords IF and TARGET are completely ignored by VISL CG-3, so only use them for readability. The definitions are given in the following format:
KEYWORD <required_element> [optional_element] ; ...and | separates mutually exclusive choices.
All rules can take an optional wordform tag before the rule keyword.
Reading & Tag manipulations: ADD <tags> [BEFORE|AFTER <tags>] <target> [contextual_tests] ; MAP <tags> [BEFORE|AFTER <tags>] <target> [contextual_tests] ; SUBSTITUTE <locate tags> <replacement tags> <target> [contextual_tests] ; UNMAP <target> [contextual_tests] ; REPLACE <tags> <target> [contextual_tests] ; APPEND <tags> <target> [contextual_tests] ; COPY <extra tags> [EXCEPT <except tags>] [BEFORE|AFTER <tags>] <target> [contextual_tests] ; SELECT <target> [contextual_tests] ; REMOVE <target> [contextual_tests] ; IFF <target> [contextual_tests] ; RESTORE <restore_target> <target> [contextual_tests] ; Dependency manipulation: SETPARENT <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; SETCHILD <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; REMPARENT <target> [contextual_tests] ; SWITCHPARENT [WITHCHILD <child_set>] <target> [contextual_tests] ; Relation manipulation: ADDRELATION <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; ADDRELATIONS <name> <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; SETRELATION <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; SETRELATIONS <name> <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; REMRELATION <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; REMRELATIONS <name> <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; Cohort manipulation: ADDCOHORT <cohort tags> BEFORE|AFTER [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <target> [contextual_tests] ; COPYCOHORT <added tags> [EXCEPT <removed tags>] <target> [contextual_tests] TO [BEFORE|AFTER] [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <contextual targets> ; COPYCOHORT <added tags> [EXCEPT <removed tags>] [BEFORE|AFTER] [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <target> [contextual_tests] FROM <contextual targets> ; REMCOHORT <target> [contextual_tests] ; SPLITCOHORT <cohort recipe> <target> [contextual_tests] ; MERGECOHORTS <cohort recipe> <target> [contextual_tests] WITH <contextual targets> ; MOVE [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <target> [contextual_tests] BEFORE|AFTER [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; SWITCH <target> [contextual_tests] WITH <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; Window manipulation: DELIMIT <target> [contextual_tests] ; EXTERNAL ONCE|ALWAYS <program> <target> [contextual_tests] ; Variable manipulation: SETVARIABLE [OUTPUT] <name> <value> <target> [contextual_tests] ; REMVARIABLE [OUTPUT] <name> <target> [contextual_tests] ; Flow control: JUMP <anchor_name> <target> [contextual_tests] ; WITH <target> [contextual_tests] { [rules] } ;
[wordform] ADD <tags> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Appends tags to matching readings. Will not block for adding further tags, but can be blocked if a reading is considered mapped either via rule type MAP or from input.
ADD (@func £other) TARGET (target) IF (-1 KC) ;
[wordform] COPY <extra tags> [EXCEPT <except tags>] <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Duplicates a reading and adds tags to it. If you don't want to copy previously copied readings, you will have to keep track of that yourself by adding a marker tag. Optionally excludes certain tags from the copy.
COPY (¤copy tags) TARGET (target) - (¤copy) ; COPY (¤copy tags) EXCEPT (not these tags) TARGET (target) - (¤copy) ;
[wordform] DELIMIT <target> [contextual_tests] ;
This will work as an on-the-fly sentence (disambiguation window) delimiter. When a reading matches a DELIMIT rule's context it will cut off all subsequent cohorts in the current window immediately restart disambiguating with the new window size. This is not and must not be used as a substitute for the DELIMITERS list, but can be useful for cases where the delimiter has to be decided from context.
[wordform] EXTERNAL ONCE <program> <target> [contextual_tests] ; [wordform] EXTERNAL ALWAYS <program> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Opens up a persistent pipe to the program and passes it the current window. The ONCE version will only be run once per window, while ALWAYS will be run every time the rule is seen. See the Externals chapter for technical and protocol information.
EXTERNAL ONCE /usr/local/bin/waffles (V) (-1 N) ; EXTERNAL ALWAYS program-in-path (V) (-1 N) ; EXTERNAL ONCE "program with spaces" (V) (-1 N) ;
[wordform] ADDCOHORT <cohort tags> BEFORE|AFTER [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Inserts a new cohort before or after the target. See also addcohort-attach.
WITHCHILD uses the children of the cohort you're targeting as edges so you can avoid creating cohorts in the middle of another dependency group. If you specify WITHCHILD you will need to provide a set that the children you want to apply must match. The (*) set will match all children.
ADDCOHORT ("<wordform>" "baseform" tags) BEFORE (@waffles) ; ADDCOHORT ("<wordform>" "baseform" tags) AFTER (@waffles) ;
[wordform] COPYCOHORT <added tags> [EXCEPT <removed tags>] <target> [contextual_tests] TO [BEFORE|AFTER] [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <contextual targets> ; [wordform] COPYCOHORT <added tags> [EXCEPT <removed tags>] [BEFORE|AFTER] [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <target> [contextual_tests] FROM <contextual targets> ;
Copies the current cohort to before or after the contextual target. Or copies a contextual target cohort to before or after the current cohort. The added tags is not optional, but you can specify * to not actually add any tags.
The newly added cohort will be dependency-attached to the nearest cohort towards the target. Relations are not currently copied.
WITHCHILD uses the children of the cohort you're targeting as edges so you can avoid creating cohorts in the middle of another dependency group. If you specify WITHCHILD you will need to provide a set that the children you want to apply must match. The (*) set will match all children.
CopyCohort (copied) Except (snip) Before WithChild (*) (target) From (1* (from) - (copied)) ;
[wordform] REMCOHORT <target> [contextual_tests] ;
This will entirely remove a cohort with all its readings from the window. Dependency will be forwarded so that the tree remains intact. Named relations will be deleted.
[wordform] SPLITCOHORT <cohort recipe> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Splits a cohort into multiple new cohorts, with a recipe for which of the new cohorts shall inherit tags, dependency, or named relations. The cohorts are listed in any order you want, and you may use regex captures to fill in wordforms and baseforms. You can list as many cohorts as you want.
You can also designate their relative place in the dependency tree with x->y
where x
must be the sequential number of the new cohorts starting from 1, and y
is which new cohort it should link to.
Special value c
for x
may be used to designate that the cohort should inherit all children,
and value p
for y
designates it is the head of the local tree.
You may use c->p
to give the same cohort both roles.
The default is that first cohort is the head and last cohort is the tail, and the new cohorts form a simple chain.
Similarly, you can use tag R:*
to designate which cohort should inherit the named relations.
If R:*
is not listed, the cohort marked c->
will be used.
Thus if neither is listed, default is that the last cohort inherits them.
# Split hyphenated tokens with exactly two parts SPLITCOHORT ( # inherit tags with *, and inherit dependency children with c->2 "<$1>"v "$1"v tags * tags c->2 # inherit named relations with R:*, and inherit dependency parents with 2->p "<$2>"v "$2"v tags go here R:* 2->p ) ("<([^-]+)-([^-]+)>"r other tags) (1* (context)) ;
[wordform] MERGECOHORTS <cohort recipe> <target> [contextual_tests] WITH <contextual targets> ;
Removes the target cohort and all cohorts matched by the contextual targets and inserts a new cohort in the target's position.
The removed cohorts need not be sequential.
In the cohort recipe, the special tag *
will copy all tags from the insert position cohort to that spot.
# Given input "<March>" "March" month "<2nd>" "2nd" ordinal # The rule MergeCohorts ("<$1 $2>"v "$1 $2"v date) ("<(.+)>"r month) WITH (1 ("<(.+)>"r ordinal)) ; # would yield "<March 2nd>" "March 2nd" date
Each contextual target is a contextual test where by default the last matched cohort is the cohort you want removed.
In a longer chain, you can override which cohort is to be removed with modifier w
such as (1w ("word") LINK 1 (condition on word))
Each contextual target can only contribute 1 cohort for the merge - multiple w
in a single test is not possible.
Also, modifier A
will override where the insertion is to take place - if set, the insertion happens after the cohort marked as A
Modifier A
does not imply w
- it is possible to insert in a different position than any removed cohort.
will suppress that contextual target from yielding a cohort, but w
can force it.
WITH examples: # Normal, last cohort in the chain, "word", is marked for removal (1 ("the") LINK 1 ("word")) # Sets the insert position after "the" and requires "word" follows that cohort # Does not mark any cohort for removal (1A ("the") LINK 1 ("word")) # Marks "the" for removal, and merely requires "word" follows that cohort (1w ("the") LINK 1 ("word")) # Sets the insert position after "the" and requires "word" follows that cohort # Also marks "word" for removal (1A ("the") LINK 1w ("word"))
By default, the created cohort will inherit all dependencies and relations of the merged cohorts. Rule flag DETACH will prevent that behavior.
[wordform] MOVE [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <target> [contextual_tests] AFTER [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; [wordform] MOVE [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <target> [contextual_tests] BEFORE [WITHCHILD <child_set>|NOCHILD] <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; [wordform] SWITCH <target> [contextual_tests] WITH <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ;
Allows re-arranging of cohorts. The option WITHCHILD will cause the movement of the cohort plus all children of the cohort, maintaining their internal order. Default is NOCHILD which moves only the one cohort. SWITCH does not take options.
If you specify WITHCHILD you will need to provide a set that the children you want to apply must match. The (*) set will match all children.
The first WITHCHILD specifies which children you want moved - the target cohorts. The second WITHCHILD uses the children of the cohort you're moving to as edges so you can avoid moving into another dependency group - the anchor cohorts.
WITHCHILD will match direct children only and then gobble up all descendents of the matched children. If the target cohort is a descendent of the anchor, all target cohorts are removed from the anchor cohorts. Otherwise, the inverse is done. This allows maximal movement while retaining chosen subtree integrity.
[wordform] REPLACE <tags> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Removes all tags from a reading except the base form, then appends the given tags. Cannot target readings that are considered mapped due to earlier MAP rules or from input.
REPLACE (<v-act> V INF @func) TARGET (target);
[wordform] APPEND <tags> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Appends a reading to the matched cohort, so be sure the tags include a baseform.
APPEND ("jump" <v-act> V INF @func) TARGET (target);
[wordform] SUBSTITUTE <locate tags> <replacement tags> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Replaces the tags in the first list with the tags in the second list. If none of the tags in the first list are found, no insertion is done. If only some of the tags are found, the insertion happens at the last removed tag, which may cause tags to be out of your desired order. To prevent this, also have important tags as part of the target. This works as in VISLCG, but the replacement tags may be the * tag to signify a nil replacement, allowing for clean removal of tags in a reading. For example, to remove TAG do:
[wordform] SETVARIABLE [OUTPUT] <name> <value> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Sets a global variable to a given value. If you don't care about the value you can just set it to 1 or *.
If you provide the optional OUTPUT flag, then an equivalent STREAMCMD:SETVAR will be output before the currently active window.
SETVARIABLE (news) (*) (@headline) ; SETVARIABLE (year) (1764) ("Jozef") (-2 ("Arch") LINK 1 ("Duke")) ;
[wordform] REMVARIABLE [OUTPUT] <name> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Unsets a global variable.
If you provide the optional OUTPUT flag, then an equivalent STREAMCMD:REMVAR will be output before the currently active window.
REMVARIABLE (news) (@stanza) ; REMVARIABLE (year) (@timeless) ;
[wordform] MAP <tags> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Appends tags to matching readings, and blocks other MAP, ADD, and REPLACE rules from targetting those readings. Cannot target readings that are considered mapped due to earlier MAP rules or from input.
MAP (@func £other) TARGET (target) IF (-1 KC) ;
[wordform] UNMAP <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Removes the mapping tag of a reading and lets ADD and MAP target the reading again. By default it will only act if the cohort has exactly one reading, but marking the rule UNSAFE lets it act on multiple readings.
[wordform] PROTECT <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Protects the matched reading from removal and modification. Once protected, no other rule can target the reading, except UNPROTECT.
[wordform] UNPROTECT <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Lifts the protection of PROTECT, so that other rules can once again target the reading.
[wordform] SELECT <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Deletes all readings in the cohort except the ones matching the target set.
[wordform] IFF <target> [contextual_tests] ;
If the contextual tests are satisfied, select the readings matching the target set. Otherwise, remove the readings matching the target set. This had so little utility that VISLCG did not implement it. We have chosen to implement it in CG-3 because there was no reason to omit it, but admit there are almost no uses for it.
[wordform] RESTORE [DELAYED|IGNORED] <restore_target> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Restores readings that were previously removed. Only restores the readings matching the restore_target
If either of the flags DELAYED or IGNORED are enabled, the rule will look in those special buffers for the readings restore.
If neither flag, or the IMMEDIATE flag, is enabled, the rule will restore ordinarily remove readings.
RESTORE (@func) TARGET (target) IF (-1 KC) ; RESTORE DELAYED (@func) TARGET (target) IF (-1 KC) ; RESTORE IGNORED (@func) TARGET (target) IF (-1 KC) ;
For the rule types MAP, ADD, REPLACE, APPEND, COPY, SUBSTITUTE, ADDRELATION(S), SETRELATION(S), and REMRELATION(S), the tag lists can be sets instead, including $$sets and &&sets. This is useful for manipulating tags that you want to pull in from a context.
The sets are resolved and reduced to a list of tags during rule application. If the set reduces to multiple tags where only one is required (such as for the Relation rules), only the first tag is used.
LIST ROLE = <human> <anim> <inanim> (<bench> <table>) ; MAP $$ROLE (target tags) (-1 KC) (-2C $$ROLE) ;
[wordform] MAP:rule_name <tag> <target> [contextual_tests] ; [wordform] SELECT:rule_name <target> [contextual_tests] ;
In certain cases you may want to name a rule to be able to refer to the same rule across grammar revisions, as otherwise the rule line number may change. It is optional to name rules, and names do not have to be unique which makes it easier to group rules for statistics or tracing purposes. The name of a rule is used in tracing and debug output in addition to the line number.
JUMP will allow you to mark named anchors and jump to them based on a context. In this manner you can skip or repeat certain rules.
ANCHOR <anchor_name> ; SECTION [anchor_name ;] [wordform] JUMP <anchor_name> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
An anchor can be created explicitly with keyword ANCHOR. Sections can optionally be given a name which will make
them explicit anchor points. All named rules are also anchor points, but with lower precedence than explicit anchors,
and in the case of multiple rules with the same name the first such named rule is the anchor point for that name.
There are also two special anchors START
and END
which represent line 0 and infinity
respectively; jumping to START will re-run all currently active rules, while jumping to END will skip all remaining
WITH <target> [contextual_tests] { [rules] } ;
Matches a pattern and runs a list of rules on the matched cohort only.
WITH (det def) { MAP @det (*) ; SETPARENT (*) TO (1* (n)) ; } ; # is equivalent to MAP @det (det def) ; SETPARENT (det def) TO (1* (n)) ;
Additionally, WITH creates magic sets _C1_ through _C9_ referring to the cohorts matched by the outer contextual tests. If _MARK_ is set, it will also be accessible to the inner rules. These sets are also accessible with the jump contextual positions jC1 through jC9 and jM. When using linked tests, the values of these magic sets can be controled with the w contextual specifier.
# the following input "<the>" "the" det def "<silly>" "silly" adj "<example>" "example" n sg # to this rule WITH (n) IF (-1 (adj)) (-2 (det def)) { SETCHILD REPEAT (*) TO (-1* _C1_ OR _C2_) (NOT p (*)) ; } ; # would output "<the>" "the" det def #1->3 "<silly>" "silly" adj #2->3 "<example>" "example" n sg #3->3 # this rule is approximately equivalent WITH (n) IF (-1 (adj)) (-2 (det def)) { SETCHILD (*) TO (jC1 (*)) (NOT p (*)) ; SETCHILD (*) TO (jC2 (*)) (NOT p (*)) ; } ;
Note that rules inside WITH are only run once each time WITH is run, unless they have REPEAT, and thus without REPEAT, the rule above would otherwise attach only the adjective.
Rules can have options that affect their behavior. Multiple options can be combined per rule and the order is not important, just separate them with space.
# Remove readings with (unwanted) even if it is the last reading. REMOVE UNSAFE (unwanted) ; # Attach daughter to mother, even if doing so would cause a loop. SETPARENT ALLOWLOOP (daughter) TO (-1* (mother)) ;
Applicable for rules SETPARENT and SETCHILD. Not compatible with option ALLOWLOOP.
Normally, if SETPARENT or SETCHILD cannot attach because doing so would cause a loop, they will seek onwards from that position until a valid target is found that does not cause a loop. Setting NEAREST forces them to stop at the first found candidate.
Applicable for rules SETPARENT and SETCHILD. Not compatible with option NEAREST.
Normally, SETPARENT and SETCHILD cannot attach if doing so would cause a loop. Setting ALLOWLOOP forces the attachment even in such a case.
Applicable for rules SETPARENT and SETCHILD.
If command line flag --dep-no-crossing is on, SETPARENT and SETCHILD cannot attach if doing so would cause crossing branches. Setting ALLOWCROSS forces the attachment even in such a case.
Applicable for rules SELECT, REMOVE, RESTORE, and IFF. Not compatible with options IGNORED or IMMEDIATE.
Option DELAYED causes readings that otherwise would have been put in the deleted buffer to be put in a special delayed buffer, in the grey zone between living and dead. Delayed readings are removed at the end of the run.
Delayed readings can be looked at by contextual tests of rules that have option LOOKDELAYED, or if the contextual test has position 'd'.
Applicable for rules SELECT, REMOVE, RESTORE, and IFF. Not compatible with option DELAYED or IGNORED.
Option IMMEDIATE causes readings that otherwise would have been put in the special delayed buffer to be put in the deleted buffer. This is mainly used to selectively override a global DELAYED flag as rules are by default immediate.
Applicable for rules REMOVE and RESTORE. Not compatible with options DELAYED or IMMEDIATE.
Option IGNORED causes readings that otherwise would have been put in the deleted buffer to be put in a special ignored buffer, in the grey zone between living and dead. Unlike delayed readings, ignored readings get restored at the end of the run.
Ignored readings can be looked at by contextual tests of rules that have option LOOKIGNORED, or if the contextual test has position 'I'.
Applicable for all rules.
Option LOOKDELAYED puts contextual position 'd' on all tests done by that rule, allowing them all to see delayed readings.
Applicable for all rules.
Option LOOKIGNORED puts contextual position 'I' on all tests done by that rule, allowing them all to see ignored readings.
Applicable for all rules.
Option LOOKDELETED puts contextual position 'D' on all tests done by that rule, allowing them all to see deleted readings.
Applicable for rules REMOVE and IFF. Not compatible with option SAFE.
Normally, REMOVE and IFF will consider mapping tags as separate readings, and attempting to remove the last mapping is the same as removing the last reading which requires UNSAFE. Setting flag UNMAPLAST causes it to instead remove the final mapping tag but leave the reading otherwise untouched.
A rule REMOVE UNMAPLAST @MappingList ;
is logically equivalent to
REMOVE @MappingList ; UNMAP @MappingList ;
Regarding mapping, flag is applicable for rules REMOVE and IFF and UNMAP. Regarding dependency, flag is applicable for SETPARENT. Not compatible with option SAFE.
Normally, REMOVE and IFF cannot remove the last reading of a cohort. Setting option UNSAFE allows them to do so.
For UNMAP, marking it UNSAFE allows it to work on more than the last reading in the cohort.
For SETPARENT, UNSAFE counters a global safe-setparent option.
Regarding mapping, flag is applicable for rules REMOVE and IFF and UNMAP. Regarding dependency, flag is applicable for SETPARENT. Not compatible with option UNSAFE.
SAFE prevents REMOVE and IFF from removing the last reading of a cohort. Mainly used to selectively override global --unsafe mode.
For UNMAP, marking it SAFE only lets it act if the cohort has exactly one reading.
For SETPARENT, SAFE prevents running if the cohort already has a parent.
Applicable for all rules. Not compatible with option RESETX.
Makes the contextual option X carry over to subsequent tests in the rule, as opposed to resetting itself to the rule's target per test. Useful for complex jumps with the X and x options.
Applicable for all rules. Not compatible with option REMEMBERX.
Default behavior. Resets the mark for contextual option x to the rule's target on each test. Used to counter a global REMEMBERX.
Applicable for all rules. Not compatible with option VARYORDER.
Prevents the re-ordering of contextual tests. Useful in cases where a unifying set is not in the target of the rule.
You almost certainly need KEEPORDER if you use regex capture and varstring in separate contextual tests, or if you use the special baseform or wordform regexes in unification in separate contextual tests.
Applicable for all rules. Not compatible with option KEEPORDER.
Allows the re-ordering of contextual tests. Used to selectively override a global KEEPORDER flag as test order is by default fluid.
Applicable for all rules. Not compatible with other ENCL_* options.
Rules with ENCL_INNER will only be run inside the currently active parantheses enclosure. If the current window has no enclosures, the rule will not be run.
Applicable for all rules. Not compatible with other ENCL_* options.
Rules with ENCL_OUTER will only be run outside the currently active parentheses enclosure. Previously expanded enclosures will be seen as outside on subsequent runs. If the current window has no enclosures, the rule will be run as normal.
Applicable for all rules. Not compatible with other ENCL_* options.
Rules with ENCL_FINAL will only be run once all parentheses enclosures have been expanded. If the current window has no enclosures, the rule will be run as normal.
Applicable for all rules. Not compatible with other ENCL_* options.
The default behavior. Used to counter other glocal ENCL_* flags.
Applicable for rule type MOVE. Not compatible with option NOCHILD.
Normally, MOVE only moves a single cohort. Setting option WITHCHILD moves all its children along with it.
Applicable for rule type MOVE. Not compatible with option WITHCHILD.
If the global option WITHCHILD is on, NOCHILD will turn it off for a single MOVE rule.
Applicable for all rule types. Not compatible with option NOITERATE.
If the rule does anything that changes the state of the window, ITERATE forces a reiteration of the sections. Normally, only changes caused by rule types SELECT, REMOVE, IFF, DELIMIT, REMCOHORT, MOVE, and SWITCH will rerun the sections.
Applicable for all rule types. Not compatible with option ITERATE.
Even if the rule does change the state of the window, NOITERATE prevents the rule from causing a reiteration of the sections.
Reverses the active cohorts. E.g., effectively turns a SETPARENT into a SETCHILD.
See the Sub-Readings SUB:N section.
Applicable for rule types SETVARIABLE and REMVARIABLE.
Causes a STREAMCMD to be output for the given action.
Applicable for all rule types.
If the rule does anything that changes the state of the window, REPEAT forces the rule to run through the window again after the current pass. Does not by itself cause a full section reiteration. Useful for making SUBSTITUTE remove all matching tags instead of just one.
Applicable for all rule types.
NOMAPPED prevents the rule from running on mapped readings. A reading is considered mapped either via rule type MAP or from input.
Table of Contents
CG-3 is not very strict with how a contextual position looks. Elements such as ** and C can be anywhere before or after the offset number, and even the - for negative offsets does not have to be near the number.
Examples of valid positions:
*-1 1**- W*2C 0**> cC CsW
A number indicates the topological offset from the rule target or linked cohort that the test should start at. For scanning tests, the sign of the number also influences which direction to scan. Positive numbers both start right and scan towards the right, and negative both start left and scan towards the left.
# Test whether the cohort to the immediate right matches the set N (1 N) # Test whether the cohort two to the left, or any other cohorts leftwards of that, matches the set V (-2* V)
If the offset exceeds the window boundaries, the match proceeds as-if it was against a null cohort. For normal tests this means they automatically fail, and NOT and NEGATE tests will succeed.
'@' is the topological absolute position in the window. It is often used to start a test at the beginning of the sentence without having to scan for (-1* >>>)
to find it. Positive numbers are offsets from the start of the window, and negative numbers are from the end of the window. Thus '@1' is the first cohort and '@-1' is the last cohort.
Special cases combined with window spanning: '@1<' is the first word of the previous window, '@-1<' is the last word of the previous window, '@1>' is the first word of the next window, and '@-1>' is the last word of the next window.
# Test whether the first cohort in the window matches the set N (@1 N) # Test whether the last cohort in the window is a full stop (@-1 ("."))
'C' causes the test to be performed in a careful manner, this is it requires that all readings match the set. Normally a test such as (1 N)
tests whether any reading matches the set N, but (1C N)
requires that all readings match N.
NOT will invert the result of the immediately following test.
# The following cohort, if it exists, must not match the set N (NOT 1 N)
NEGATE is similar to, yet not the same as, NOT. Where NOT will invert the result of only the immediately following test, NEGATE will invert the result of the entire LINK'ed chain that follows. NEGATE is thus usually used at the beginning of a test. VISLCG emulated the NEGATE functionality for tests that started with NOT.
'*' and '**' start at the given offset and then continues looking in that direction until they find a match or reach the window boundary. '*' stops at the first cohort that matches the set, regardless of whether that cohort satisfies any linked conditions. '**' searches until it finds a cohort that matches both the set and any linked conditions.
# Find an adjective to the left and check whether that adjective has a noun to the immediate right. Stop at the first adjective. (-1* ADJ LINK N) # Find an adjective to the left and check whether that adjective has a noun to the immediate right. If it does not have a noun to the immediate right, scan further left and test next adjective position. Repeat. (**-1 ADJ LINK N)
Halts a scan if it sees a cohort matching the set. Especially important to prevent '**' scans from looking too far.
# Find an N to the right, but don't look beyond any V (*1 N BARRIER V)
Like BARRIER but performs the test in Careful mode, meaning it only blocks if all readings in the cohort matches. This makes it less strict than BARRIER.
(**1 SetG CBARRIER (Verb))
These options allows a test to find matching cohorts in any window currently in the buffer. The buffer size can be adjusted with the --num-windows cmdline flag and defaults to 2. Meaning, 2 windows on either side of the current one is preserved, so a total of 5 would be in the buffer at any time.
Allowing a test to span beyond boundaries in either direction is denoted by 'W'. One could also allow all tests to behave in this manner with the --always-span cmdline flag.
(-1*W (someset))
'<' allows a test to span beyond boundaries in left direction only. Use 'W' instead, unless it is a complex test or other good reason to require '<'.
(-3**< (someset))
By default, linked tests continue from the immediately preceding test. These options affect behavior.
# Look right for (third), then from there look right for (seventh), # then jump back to (target) and from there look right for (fifth) SELECT (target) (1* (third) LINK 1* (seventh) LINK 1*x (fifth)) ; # Look right for (fourth), then from there look right for (seventh) and set that as the mark, # then from there look left for (fifth), then jump back to (seventh) and from there look left for (sixth) SELECT (target) (1* (fourth) LINK 1*X (seventh) LINK -1* (fifth) LINK -1*x (sixth)) ;
'X' sets the mark to the currently active cohort of the test's target. If no test sets X then the mark defaults to the cohort from the rule's target. See also magic set _MARK_.
'x' jumps back to the previously set mark (or the rule's target if no mark is set), then proceeds from there.
'A' sets the cohort to be attached or related against to the currently active cohort of the test's target. See also magic set _ATTACHTO_.
As of version, 'A' can be used for almost all rules to change the cohort to be affected, instead of the target of the rule.
'w' sets the cohort to be merged with to the currently active cohort of the test's target. Currently only used with MergeCohorts. It can also be used in contextual tests for With to specify which cohort should be accessible in the subrule context.
By default, removed reading are not visible to tests. These options allow tests to look at deleted and delayed readings.
'D' allows the current test (and any barrier) to look at readings that have previously been deleted by SELECT/REMOVE/IFF. Delayed readings are not part of 'D', but can be combined as 'Dd' to look at both.
'd' allows the current test (and any barrier) to look at readings that have previously been deleted by SELECT/REMOVE/IFF DELAYED. Deleted readings are not part of 'd', but can be combined as 'Dd' to look at both.
By default, linked scanning tests are allowed to scan past the point of origin. These options affect behavior.
The --no-pass-origin (or -o in short form) changes the default mode to not allow passing the origin, and defines the origin as the target of the currently active rule. This is equivalent to adding 'O' to the first test of each contextual test of all rules.
'O' sets the point of origin to the parent of the contextual test, and disallows itself and all linked tests to pass this point of origin. The reason it sets it to the parent is that otherwise there is no way to mark the rule's target as the desired origin.
# Will not pass the (origin) cohort when looking for (right): SELECT (origin) IF (-1*O (left) LINK 1* (right)) ; # Will not pass the (origin) cohort when looking for (left): SELECT (something) IF (-1* (origin) LINK 1*O (right) LINK -1* (left)) ;
'o' allows the contextual test and all its linked tests to pass the point of origin, even in --no-pass-origin mode. Used to counter 'O'.
# Will pass the (origin) cohort when looking for (right), but not when looking for (middle): SELECT (origin) IF (-1*O (left) LINK 1* (middle) LINK 1*o (right)) ;
Usually a '*' or '**' test scans in only one direction, denoted by the value of the offset; if offset is positive it will scan rightwards, and if negative leftwards. In CG-3 the magic offset '0' will scan in both directions; first one to the left, then one to the right, then two to the left, then two to the right, etc. This makes it easy to find the nearest neighbor that matches. In earlier versions of CG this could be approximated with two seperate rules, and you had to scan entirely in one direction, then come back and do the other direction.
Caveat: (NOT 0* V) will probably not work as you expect; it will be true if either direction doesn't find set V. What you want instead is (NEGATE 0* V) or split into (NOT -1* V) (NOT 1* V).
(0* (someset)) (0**W (otherset))
Position modifier 'T' makes the test only consider the currently active reading.
Position modifier 't' makes the test only consider readings other than the currently active one. This can be combined with 'C' to mean all other readings.
These currently only make sense for contexts that look at the target cohort, such as position 0.
Position modifier 'B' causes the test to look in a bag of tags, which is like a bag of words but with all tags. 'B' alone looks for tags in the current window, but can be combined with the window spanning modifiers to also test the windows before and/or after. Linking from a 'B' test behaves as if you linked from offset 0.
The bag is greedy and lazy. It will hold all tags added to the window at any time, but will not forget tags as they are removed from the window through various means.
Position modifer 'f' creates two branches based on the current test. In the first, the test remains exactly as is written. In the second, all numeric tags are removed and modifier 'C' is added. This is equivalent to making an inline template with OR'ed tests.
E.g., test (-1*f (N <W>50>))
is equivalent to (-1* (N <W>50>)) OR (-1*C (N))
This is all done at compile time.
The numeric tag removal will dig down through the whole target set and create new sets along the way as needed.
CG-3 also introduces the p, c, cc, and s positions. See the section about those in the Dependencies chapter.
CG-3 also introduces the r:rel and r:* positions. See the section about those in the Relations chapter.
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A new feature in CG-3 is handling of enclosures by defining pairs of parentheses. Any enclosure found will be omitted from the window on first run, then put back in the window and all rules are re-run on the new larger window. This continues until all enclosures have been put back one-by-one.
The idea is that by omitting the enclosures their noise cannot disrupt disambiguation, thus providing an easy way to write clean grammars that do not have to have special tests for parentheses all over the place.
Example is adapted from the ./test/T_Parentheses/ regression test.
Given the following sentence:
There once were (two [three] long red (more like maroon (dark earthy red]), actually) cars {trucks}.
...and given the following parenthesis wordform pairs:
PARENTHESES = ("<(>" "<)>") ("<[>" "<]>") ("<{>" "<}>") ;
...results in the sentence being run in the order of:
1: There once were (two long red cars. 2: There once were (two [three] long red cars. 3: There once were (two [three] long red (more like maroon, actually) cars. 4: There once were (two [three] long red (more like maroon (dark earthy red]), actually) cars. 5: There once were (two [three] long red (more like maroon (dark earthy red]), actually) cars {trucks}.
The example has 2 unmatched parenthesis in the words (two and red] which are left in untouched as they are not really enclosing anything.
Note that enclosures are put back in the window left-to-right and only one at the time. The depth of enclosure has no effect on the order of resurrection. This may seem unintuitive, but it was the most efficient way of handling it.
Also of note is that all rules in all sections will be re-run each time an enclosure is resurrected. This includes BEFORE-SECTIONS and AFTER-SECTIONS. So in the above example, all of those are run 5 times.
In a contextual test you can jump to the leftward parenthesis of the currently active enclosure with the L position. It is only valid from within the enclosure.
In a contextual test you can jump to the rightward parenthesis of the currently active enclosure with the R position. It is only valid from within the enclosure.
(R (*) LINK -1* (V) BARRIER _LEFT_)
A magic tag that represents the active enclosure's leftward parenthesis wordform. This tag is only valid when an enclosure is active and only exactly on the leftward parenthesis cohort. Useful for preventing scanning tests from crossing it with a barrier.
A magic tag that represents the active enclosure's rightward parenthesis wordform. This tag is only valid when an enclosure is active and only exactly on the rightward parenthesis cohort. Useful for preventing scanning tests from crossing it with a barrier.
This tag is only valid when an enclosure is hidden away and only on cohorts that own hidden cohorts. Useful for preventing scanning tests from crossing hidden enclosures with a barrier.
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CG-3 can work with dependency trees in various ways. The input cohorts can have existing dependencies; the grammar can create new attachments; or a combination of the two.
[wordform] SETPARENT <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ;
Attaches the matching reading to the contextually targetted cohort as a child. The last link of the contextual test is used as target.
If the contextual target is a scanning test and the first found candidate cannot be attached due to loop prevention, SETPARENT will look onwards for the next candidate. This can be controlled with rule option NEAREST and ALLOWLOOP.
SETPARENT targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (step) LINK 1* (candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
[wordform] SETCHILD <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ;
Attaches the matching reading to the contextually targetted cohort as the parent. The last link of the contextual test is used as target.
If the contextual target is a scanning test and the first found candidate cannot be attached due to loop prevention, SETCHILD will look onwards for the next candidate. This can be controlled with rule option NEAREST and ALLOWLOOP.
SETCHILD targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (step) LINK 1* (candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
[wordform] REMPARENT <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Sets the target as having no parent.
REMPARENT targetset IF (p (cop)) ;
[wordform] SWITCHPARENT [WITHCHILD <child_set>] <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Sets the grandparent of the target as its parent and sets the target as the parent of the previous parent. If WTIHCHILD is present, any siblings of the target which match the set will also become children of the target.
"<and>" "and" CCONJ #1->2 "<in>" "in" ADP #2->0 "<the>" "the" DET #3->4 "<house>" "house" NOUN #4->2 "<.>" "." PUNCT #5->2 SWITCHPARENT WITHCHILD (*) - (PUNCT) (NOUN) IF (p (ADP)) ; "<and>" "and" CCONJ #1->4 "<in>" "in" ADP #2->4 "<the>" "the" DET #3->4 "<house>" "house" NOUN #4->0 "<.>" "." PUNCT #5->2
Dependency attachments in input comes in the form of #X->Y or #X→Y tags where X is the number of the current node and Y is the number of the parent node. The X must be unique positive integers and should be sequentially enumerated. '0' is reserved and means the root of the tree, so no node may claim to be '0', but nodes may attach to '0'.
If the Y of a reading cannot be located, it will be reattached to itself. If a reading contains more than one attachment, only the last will be honored. If a cohort has conflicting attachments in its readings, the result is undefined.
For example:
"<There>" "there" <*> ADV @F-SUBJ #1->0 "<once>" "once" ADV @ADVL #2->0 "<was>" "be" <SVC/N> <SVC/A> V PAST SG1/3 VFIN IMP @FMV #3->2 "<a>" "a" <Indef> ART DET CENTRAL SG @>N #4->5 "<man>" "man" N NOM SG @SC #5->0 "<$.>"
Cmdline flag -D or --dep-delimit will enable the use of dependency information to delimit windows. Enabling this will disable DELIMITERS entirely, but will not affect the behavior of SOFT-DELIMITERS nor the hard/soft cohort limits.
Windows are delimited if a cohort has a node number less than or equal to the highest previously seen node number, and also if a cohort has a node number that seems like a discontinuous jump up in numbers. The discontinuous limit is by default 10 but you can pass a number to -D/--dep-delimit to set it yourself. Some systems do not output dependency numbers for punctuation, so setting it too low may break those; the default 10 was chosen since it is unlikely any real text would have 10 sequential cohorts not part of the tree.
For example: #4→5 followed by #3→4 will delimit. #4→5 followed by #4→4 will delimit. #4→5 followed by #15→4 will delimit. #4→5 followed by #5→3 will not delimit.
It is also possible to create or modify the tree on-the-fly with rules. See SETPARENT and SETCHILD. Dependencies created in this fashion will be output in the same format as above.
For example:
SETPARENT (@>N) (0 (ART DET)) TO (1* (N)) ; SETPARENT (@<P) TO (-1* (PRP)) (NEGATE 1* (V)) ;
Either case, once you have a dependency tree to work with, you can use that in subsequent contextual tests as seen below. These positions can be combined with the window spanning options.
The 'pp' position asks for an ancestor of the current position, where ancestor is defined as any parent, grand-parent, great-grand-parent, etc...
(-1* (N) LINK pp (ADJ))
The analogue of difference between cc and c* applies to pp vs. p*
The 'cc' position asks for a descendent of the current position, where descendent is defined as any child, grand-child, great-grand-child, etc...
(-1* (N) LINK cc (ADJ))
The 'S' option allows the test to look at the current target as well. Used in conjunction with p, c, cc, s, or r to test self and the relations.
Be aware that BARRIER and CBARRIER will check and thus possibly stop at the current target when 'S' is in effect. This can be toggled on a per context basis with modifier N.
(cS (ADJ))
The 'N' option causes barriers to ignore the self cohort. If self-no-barrier is enabled, then instead it forces barriers to respect the self cohort.
The '*' option behaves differently when dealing with dependencies. Here, the '*' option allows the test to perform a deep scan. Used in conjunction with p, c, or s to continue until there are no deeper relations. For example, position 'c*' tests the children, grand-children, great-grand-children, and so forth.
(c* (ADJ))
The 'll' option limits the search to the leftmost cohort of the possible matches. Note that this cohort may be to the right of the current target; use 'lll' if you want the leftmost of the cohorts to the left of the current target, or 'llr' if you want the leftmost of the cohorts to the right of the current target.
(llc (ADJ))
The 'rr' option limits the search to the rightmost cohort of the possible matches. Note that this cohort may be to the left of the current target; use 'rrr' if you want the rightmost of the cohorts to the right of the current target, or 'rrl' if you want the rightmost of the cohorts to the left of the current target.
(rrc (ADJ))
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CG-3 can also work with generic relations. These are analogous to dependency relations, but can have any name, overlap, are directional, and can point to multiple cohorts.
[wordform] ADDRELATION <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; [wordform] ADDRELATIONS <name> <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ;
ADDRELATION creates a one-way named relation from the current cohort to the found cohort. The name must be an alphanumeric string with no whitespace.
ADDRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
ADDRELATIONS creates two one-way named relation; one from the current cohort to the found cohort, and one the other way. The names can be the same if so desired.
ADDRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
[wordform] SETRELATION <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; [wordform] SETRELATIONS <name> <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ;
SETRELATION removes all previous relations with the name, then creates a one-way named relation from the current cohort to the found cohort. The name must be an alphanumeric string with no whitespace.
SETRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
SETRELATIONS removes all previous relations in the respective cohorts with the respective names, then creates two one-way named relation; one from the current cohort to the found cohort, and one the other way. The names can be the same if so desired.
SETRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
[wordform] REMRELATION <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ; [wordform] REMRELATIONS <name> <name> <target> [contextual_tests] TO|FROM <contextual_target> [contextual_tests] ;
REMRELATION destroys one direction of a relation previously created with either ADDRELATION or SETRELATION.
REMRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
REMRELATIONS destroys both directions of a relation previously created with either ADDRELATION or SETRELATION.
REMRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Relational attachments are in the forms of ID:id and R:name:id tags. The ID tags are assumed to give the cohort a globally unique numeric ID, and this number is what the id from R tags refer to. The name part must be alphanumeric and must not start with a number.
It is normal for ID tags to exist without R tags for one-way relations, but any line with an R tag must have its ID along.
For example:
"<There>" "there" <*> ADV @F-SUBJ ID:1056 "<once>" "once" ADV @ADVL "<was>" "be" <SVC/N> <SVC/A> V PAST SG1/3 VFIN IMP @FMV "<a>" "a" <Indef> ART DET CENTRAL SG @>N "<man>" "man" N NOM SG @SC ID:1060 R:Beginning:1056 "<$.>"
Once you have relations to work with, you can use that in subsequent contextual tests as seen below. These positions can be combined with the window spanning options.
The 'r:rel' position asks for cohorts found via the 'rel' relation. 'rel' can be any name previously given via ADDRELATION or SETRELATION. Be aware that for combining positional options, 'r:rel' should be the last in the position; 'r:' will eat anything following it until it meets a space.
(r:rel (ADJ))
The 'S' option allows the test to look at the current target as well. Used in conjunction with p, c, cc, s, or r to test self and the relations.
(Sr:rel (ADJ))
The r, l, rr, ll, rrr, lll, rrl, llr options documented at Dependencies also work for Relations.
(rrrr:rel (ADJ)) (lr:rel (ADJ))
If your input contains confidence values or similar, you can make use of those in the grammar. See numeric tags for the specific feature.
For example, given the input sentence "Bear left at zoo." a statistical tagger may assign confidence and frequency values to the readings:
"<Bear>" "bear" N NOM SG <Noun:784> <Conf:80> @SUBJ "bear" V INF <Verb:140> <Conf:20> @IMV @#ICL-AUX< "<left>" "leave" PED @IMV @#ICL-N< "leave" V PAST VFIN @FMV "<at>" "at" PRP @ADVL "<zoo>" "zoo" N NOM SG @P< "<$.>"
which you could query with e.g.
# Remove any reading with Confidence below 5% REMOVE (<Conf<5>) ; # Select N NOM SG if Confidence is above 60% SELECT (N NOM SG <Conf>60>) ; # Remove the Verb reading if the frequency is under 150 # and Noun's frequency is above 700 REMOVE (<Verb<150>) (0 (<Noun>700>)) ;
These are just examples of what numeric tags could be used for. There is no reason Confidence values are in % and there is no requirement that they must add up to 100%. The only requirement of a numerical tag is an alphanumeric identifier and a double-precision floating point value that fits in the range -281474976710656.0 to +281474976710655.0.
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Sets up templates of alternative contextual tests which can later be referred to by multiple rules or other templates. Templates support the full syntax of contextual tests, including all other new CG-3 features. Best way to document them that I can think of at the moment is to give examples of equivalent constructions.
For example, this construction
TEMPLATE tmpl = 1 (a) LINK 1 B + C LINK 1 D - (e) ; SELECT (tag) IF (T:tmpl) ;
is equivalent to
SELECT (tag) IF (1 (a) LINK 1 B + C LINK 1 D - (e)) ;
But with the introduction of templates, CG-3 also allows alternative tests, so this construction
TEMPLATE tmpl = (1 ASET LINK 1 BSET) OR (-1 BSET LINK -1 ASET) ; SELECT (tag) IF (1 Before LINK T:tmpl LINK 1 After) ;
is equivalent to
# Yes, inline OR is allowed if you () the tests properly SELECT (tag) IF (1 Before LINK (1 ASET LINK 1 BSET) OR (-1 BSET LINK -1 ASET) LINK 1 After) ;
which in turn is equivalent to
SELECT (tag) IF (1 Before LINK 1 ASET LINK 1 BSET LINK 1 After) ; SELECT (tag) IF (1 Before LINK -1 BSET LINK -1 ASET LINK 1 After) ;
For very simple lists of LINK 1 constructs, there is a further simplification:
# Note the use of [] and , instead of () TEMPLATE tmpl = [(a), BSET, CSET - (d)] ;
is equivalent to
TEMPLATE tmpl = 1 (a) LINK 1 BSET LINK 1 CSET - (d) ;
However, the [] construct is not directly allowed in OR constructions, so you cannot write
TEMPLATE tmpl = [a, b, c] OR [e, f, g] ; # invalid
but you can instead write
TEMPLATE tmpl = ([a, b, c]) OR ([e, f, g]) ; # valid
The [] construct can also be linked to and from, so
TEMPLATE tmpl = [a, b, c] LINK 1* d BARRIER h LINK [e, f, g] ;
is equivalent to
TEMPLATE tmpl = 1 a LINK 1 b LINK 1 c LINK 1* d BARRIER h LINK 1 e LINK 1 f LINK 1 g ;
Templates can be used in place of any normal contextual test, and can be both linked to and from, so
TEMPLATE tmpl = 1 (donut) BARRIER (waffle) ; SELECT (tag) IF (1 VSET LINK T:tmpl LINK 1* FSET) ;
is equivalent to
SELECT (tag) IF (1 VSET LINK 1 (donut) BARRIER (waffle) LINK 1* FSET) ;
It is also possible to override the position of a template, which changes their behavior. E.g:
TEMPLATE tmpl = [N, CC, ADJ] ; # ... or ... TEMPLATE tmpl = 1 N LINK 1 CC LINK 1 ADJ ; SELECT (tag) IF (-1 T:tmpl) ;
is equivalent to
SELECT (tag) IF (-1** N LINK 1 CC LINK 1 ADJ) ;
but with a post-condition that the cohorts at the edges of the instantiated template must be at the position given relative to the origin. In this case, a match of the template is only succesful if ADJ is in position -1 to the origin (tag). This behavior is equivalent to how templates worked in Fred Karlsson's CG-1, but with more flexibility.
The post-condition check cannot currently inspect the actual edges of the space that the template touched to instantiate, so it will perform the edge checks on the entry and exit cohorts only. A positive override will require that the leftmost edge matches the position, while negative override will require rightmost edge matches. When linking from overridden tests, a positive link will try to match from the rightmost edge, and negative link from the leftmost.
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Defines a new set based on a list of tags, or appends to an existing set.
Composite tags in ()
require that all tags match.
cannot perform set operations - all elements of a LIST
definition is parsed as literal tags, not other sets.
LIST setname = tag othertag (mtag htag) ltag ; LIST setname += even more tags ;
If the named set for +=
is of SET-type, then the new tags will be in a set OR'ed onto the existing one.
See set manipulation.
Avoid cluttering your grammar with LIST N = N;
definitions by using LIST-TAGS or STRICT-TAGS instead.
Defines a new set based on operations between existing sets.
To include literal tags or composite tags in operations, define an inline set with ()
SET setname = someset + someotherset - (tag) ;
Equivalent to the mathematical set union ∪ operator.
LIST a = a b c d ; LIST b = c d e f ; # Logically yields a set containing tags: a b c d e f # Practically a reading must match either set SET r = a OR b ; SET r = a | b ;
Equivalent to the SQL Except operator.
LIST a = a b c d ; LIST b = c d e f ; # Logically yields a set containing tags: a b !c !d !e !f # Practically a reading must match the first set and must not match the second set SET r = a - b ;
Equivalent to the mathematical set complement ∖ operator. The symbol is a normal backslash.
LIST a = a b c d ; LIST b = c d e f ; # Logically yields a set containing tags: a b SET r = a \ b ;
Equivalent to the mathematical set symmetric difference ∆ operator. The symbol is the Unicode code point U+2206.
LIST a = a b c d ; LIST b = c d e f ; # Logically yields a set containing tags: a b e f SET r = a ∆ b ;
Equivalent to the mathematical set intersection ∩ operator. The symbol is the Unicode code point U+2229.
LIST a = a b c d ; LIST b = c d e f ; # Logically yields a set containing tags: c d SET r = a ∩ b ;
Equivalent to the mathematical set cartesian product × operator.
LIST a = a b c d ; LIST b = c d e f ; # Logically yields a set containing tags: (a c) (b c) c (d c) (a d) (b d) d (a e) # (b e) (c e) (d e) (a f) (b f) (c f) (d f) # Practically a reading must match both sets SET r = a + b ;
On its own, this is equivalent to set difference -. But, when followed by other sets it becomes a blocker.
In A - B OR C + D
either A - B
or C + D
may suffice for a match.
However, in A ^ B OR C + D
, if B matches then it blocks the rest and fails the entire set match
without considering C or D.
A set containing the (*) tag becomes a magic "any" set and will always match. This saves having to declare a dummy set containing all imaginable tags. Useful for testing whether a cohort exists at a position, without needing details about it. Can also be used to match everything except a few tags with the set operator -.
(*-1 (*) LINK 1* SomeSet) SELECT (*) - NotTheseTags ;
The magic set _S_DELIMITERS_ is created from the DELIMITERS definition. This saves having to declare and maintain a seperate set for matching delimiters in tests.
SET SomeSet = OtherSet OR _S_DELIMITERS_ ;
The magic set _S_SOFT_DELIMITERS_ is created from the SOFT-DELIMITERS definition.
A magic set containing the single tag (_TARGET_). This set and tag will only match when the currently active cohort is the target of the rule.
A magic set containing the single tag (_MARK_). This set and tag will only match when the currently active cohort is the mark set with X, or if no such mark is set it will only match the target of the rule.
A magic set containing the single tag (_ATTACHTO_). This set and tag will only match when the currently active cohort is the mark set with A.
lets you undefine/unlink sets so later definitions can reuse the name.
This does not delete a set, nor can it alter past uses of a set. Prior uses of a set remain linked to the old set.
with +=
lets you append tags to an existing LIST or SET.
This does not alter past uses of a set. Prior uses of a set remain linked to the old definition.
-type sets, this creates a new set that is a combination of all tags from the existing set plus all the new tags.
-type sets, the new tags are OR'ed onto the existing set. This can lead to surprising behavior if the existing set is complex.
Each time a rule is run on a reading, the tag that first satisfied the set must be the same as all subsequent matches of the same set in tests.
A set is marked as a tag unification set by prefixing $$ to the name when used in a rule. You can only prefix existing sets; inline sets in the form of $$(tag tags) will not work, but $$Set + $$OtherSet will; that method will make 2 unification sets, though.
The regex tags <.*>r ".*"r "<.*>"r are special and will unify to the same exact tag of that type. This is useful for e.g. mandating that the baseform must be exactly the same in all places.
For example
LIST ROLE = <human> <anim> <inanim> (<bench> <table>) ; SELECT $$ROLE (-1 KC) (-2C $$ROLE) ;
which would logically be the same as
SELECT (<human>) (-1 KC) (-2C (<human>)) ; SELECT (<anim>) (-1 KC) (-2C (<anim>)) ; SELECT (<inanim>) (-1 KC) (-2C (<inanim>)) ; SELECT (<bench> <table>) (-1 KC) (-2C (<bench> <table>)) ;
Caveat: The exploded form is not identical to the unified form. Unification rules are run as normal rules, meaning once per reading. The exploded form would be run in-order as seperate rules per reading. There may be side effects due to that.
Caveat 2: The behavior of this next rule is undefined:
SELECT (tag) IF (0 $$UNISET) (-2* $$UNISET) (1** $$UNISET) ;
Since the order of tests is dynamic, the unification of $$UNISET will be initialized with essentially random data, and as such cannot be guaranteed to unify properly. Well defined behavior can be enforced in various ways:
# Put $$UNISET in the target SELECT (tag) + $$UNISET IF (-2* $$UNISET) (1** $$UNISET) ; # Only refer to $$UNISET in a single linked chain of tests SELECT (tag) IF (0 $$UNISET LINK -2* $$UNISET LINK 1** $$UNISET) ; # Use rule option KEEPORDER SELECT KEEPORDER (tag) IF (0 $$UNISET) (-2* $$UNISET) (1** $$UNISET) ;
Having the unifier in the target is usually the best way to enforce behavior.
Each time a rule is run on a reading, the top-level set that first satisfied the match must be the same as all subsequent matches of the same set in tests.
A set is marked as a top-level set unification set by prefixing && to the name when used in a rule. You can only prefix existing sets; inline sets in the form of &&(tag tags) will not work, but &&Set + &&OtherSet will; that method will make 2 unification sets, though.
For example
LIST SEM-HUM = <human> <person> <sapien> ; LIST SEM-ANIM = <animal> <beast> <draconic> ; LIST SEM-INSECT = <insect> <buzzers> ; SET SEM-SMARTBUG = SEM-INSECT + (<sapien>) ; SET SAME-SEM = SEM-HUM OR SEM-ANIM + SEM-SMARTBUG ; # During unification, OR and + are ignored SELECT &&SAME-SEM (-1 KC) (-2C &&SAME-SEM) ;
which would logically be the same as
Note that the unification only happens on the first level of sets, hence named top-level unification. Note also that the set operators in the prefixed set are ignored during unification.
You can use the same set for different unified matches by prefixing the set name with a number and colon.
E.g., &&SAME-SEM
is a different match than &&1:SAME-SEM
The same caveats as for Tag Unification apply.
Table of Contents
First some example tags as we know them from CG-2 and VISLCG:
"<wordform>" "baseform" <W-max> ADV @error (<civ> N)
Now some example tags as they may look in VISL CG-3:
"<Wordform>"i "^[Bb]ase.*"r /^@<?ADV>?$/r <W>65> (<F>=15> <F<=30>) !ADV ^<dem> (N <civ>)
The tag '>>>' is added to the 0th (invisible) cohort in the window, and the tag '<<<' is added to the last cohort in the window. They can be used as markers to see if scans have reached those positions.
Starting with the latter, (N <civ>), as this merely signifies that tags with multiple parts do not have to match in-order; (N <civ>) is the same as (<civ> N). This is different from previous versions of CG, but I deemed it unncecessary to spend extra time checking the tag order when hash lookups can verify the existence so fast.
The first two additions to the feature sheet all display what I refer to as literal string modifiers, and there are two of such: 'i' for case-insensitive, and 'r' for a regular expression match. Using these modifiers will significantly slow down the matching as a hash lookup will no longer be enough. You can combine 'ir' for case-insensitive regular expressions. Regular expressions are evaluated via ICU, so their documentation is a good source. Regular expressions may also contain groupings that can later be used in variable string tags (see below).
Due to tags themselves needing the occasional escaping, regular expressions need double-escaping of symbols that have special meaning to CG-3. E.g. literal non-grouping () need to be written as "a\\(b\\)c"r. Metacharacters also need double-escaping, so \w needs to be written as \\w.
This will not work for wordforms used as the first qualifier of a rule, e.g:
"<wordform>"i SELECT (tag) ;
but those can be rewritten in a form such as
SELECT ("<wordform>"i) + (tag) ;
which will work, but be slightly slower.
Tags in the form //r and //i and //ri are general purpose regular expression and case insensitive matches that may act on any tag type, and unlike Literal String Modifiers they can do partial matches. Thus a tag like /^@<?ADV>?$/r will match any of @<ADV, @<ADV>, @ADV>, and plain @ADV. A tag like /word/ri will match any tag containing a substring with any case-variation of the text 'word'. Asides from that, the rules and gotchas are the same as for Literal String Modifiers.
Tags in the form //l
are regular expressions matched on the whole literal reading. Used to match exact tag sequences. Special helper __
will expand to (^|$| | .+? )
and can be used to ensure there are only whole tags before/after/between something.
Variable string tags contain markers that are replaced with matches from the previously run grouping regular expression tag. Regular expression tags with no groupings will not have any effect on this behavior. Time also has no effect, so one could theoretically perform a group match in a previous rule and use the results later, though that would be highly unpredictable in practice.
Variable string tags are in the form of "string"v, "<string>"v, and <string>v, where variables matching $1 through $9 will be replaced with the corresponding group from the regular expression match. Multiple occurances of a single variable is allowed, so e.g. "$1$2$1"v would contain group 1 twice.
Alternative syntax is prefixing with VSTR:
. This is used to build tags that are not textual, or tags
that need secondary processing such as regex or case-insensitive matching. E.g., VSTR:@m$1
create a mapping tag or VSTR:"$1.*"r
to create a regex tag. To include spaces in such tags, escape them
with a backslash, e.g. VSTR:"$1\ $2"r
(otherwise it is treated as two tags).
One can also manipulate the case of the resulting tag via %U, %u, %L, and %l. %U upper-cases the entire following string. %u upper-cases the following single letter. %L lower-cases the entire following string. %l lower-cases the following single letter. The case folding is performed right-to-left one-by-one.
It is also possible to include references to unified $$sets or &&sets in {} where they will be replaced with the tags that the unification resulted in. If there are multiple tags, they will be delimited by an underscore _.
It should be noted that you can use varstring tags anywhere, not just when manipulating tags. When used in a contextual test they are fleshed out with the information available at the time and then attempted matched.
# Adds a lower-case <wordform> to all readings. ADD (<%L$1>v) TARGET ("<(.*)>"r) ; # Adds a reading with a normalized baseform for all suspicious wordforms ending in 'ies' APPEND ("$1y"v N P NOM) TARGET N + ("<(.*)ies>"r) IF (1 VFIN) ; # Merge results from multiple unified $$sets into a single tag LIST ROLE = human anim inanim (bench table) ; LIST OTHER = crispy waffles butter ; MAP (<{$$ROLE}/{$$OTHER}>v) (target tags) (-1 $$OTHER) (-2C $$ROLE) ;
Then there are the numerical matches, e.g. <W>65>. This will match tags such as <W:204> and <W=156> but not <W:32>. The second tag, (<F>15> <F<30>), matches values 15>F>30. These constructs are also slower than simple hash lookups.
The two special values MIN and MAX (both case-sensitive) will scan the cohort for their respective minimum or maximum value, and use that for the comparison. Internally the value is stored in a double, and the range is capped between -281474976710656.0 to +281474976710655.0, and using values beyond that range will also act as those limits.
# Select the maximum value of W. Readings with no W will also be removed. SELECT (<W=MAX>) ; # Remove the minimum F. Readings with no F will not be removed. REMOVE (<N=MIN>) ;
Table 17.1. Valid Operators
Operator | Meaning |
= | Equal to |
!= | Not equal to |
< | Less than |
> | Greater than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
<> | Not equal to |
Anywhere that an = is valid you can also use : for backwards compatibility.
Table 17.2. Comparison Truth Table
A | B | Result |
= x | = y | True if x = y |
= x | != y | True if x != y |
= x | < y | True if x < y |
= x | > y | True if x > y |
= x | <= y | True if x <= y |
= x | >= y | True if x >= y |
< x | != y | Always true |
< x | < y | Always true |
< x | > y | True if x > y |
< x | <= y | Always true |
< x | >= y | True if x > y |
> x | != y | Always true |
> x | > y | Always true |
> x | <= y | True if x < y |
> x | >= y | Always true |
<= x | != y | Always true |
<= x | <= y | Always true |
<= x | >= y | True if x >= y |
>= x | != y | Always true |
>= x | >= y | Always true |
!= x | != y | True if x = y |
CG-3 will store and forward any data between cohorts,
attached to the preceding cohort.
and META:/.../ri
lets you query and capture from this data with regular expressions.
Data before the first cohort is not accessible.
ADD (@header) (*) IF (-1 (META:/<h\d+>$/ri)) ;
I recommend keeping META tags in the contextual tests, since they cannot currently be cached and will be checked every time.
In the CG and Apertium stream formats, it is allowed to have tags after the word form / surface form. These tags behave as if they contextually exist in every reading of the cohort - they will not be seen by rule targets.
Global variables are manipulated with rule types SETVARIABLE and REMVARIABLE, plus the stream commands SETVAR and REMVAR. Global variables persist until unset and are not bound to any window, cohort, or reading.
You can query a global variable with the form VAR:name
or query whether a variable has a
specific value with VAR:name=value
. Both the name and value test can be in the form of
// regular expressions, a'la VAR:/ame/r=value
or VAR:name=/val.*/r
including capturing parts.
The runtime value of mapping prefix is stored in the special variable named _MPREFIX
REMOVE (@poetry) IF (0 (VAR:news)) ; SELECT (<historical>) IF (0 (VAR:year=1764)) ;
I recommend keeping VAR tags in the contextual tests, since they cannot currently be cached and will be checked every time.
Almost identical to global variables, but uses LVAR
instead of VAR
, and variables are bound to windows.
Global variables are remembered on a per-window basis. When the current window has no more possible rules, the current variable state is recorded in the window. Later windows looking back with W can then query what a given variable's value was at that time. It is also possible to query future windows' variable values if the stream contains SETVAR and the window is in the lookahead buffer.
When LVAR queries the current window, it is the same as VAR.
A Fail-Fast tag is the ^ prefix, such as ^<dem>. This will be checked first of a set and if found will block the set from matching, regardless of whether later independent tags could match. It is mostly useful for sets such as LIST SetWithFail = (N <bib>) (V TR) ^<dem>. This set will never match a reading with a <dem> tag, even if the reading matches (V TR).
If you are worried about typos or need to otherwise enforce a strict tagset, STRICT-TAGS
is your friend.
You can add tags to the list of allowed tags with STRICT-TAGS += ... ;
where ...
is a list
of tags to allow. Any tag parsed while the STRICT-TAGS list is non-empty will be checked against the list, and an
error will be thrown if the tag is not on the list.
It is currently only possible to add to the list, hence +=
Removing and assigning can be added if anyone needs those.
STRICT-TAGS += N V ADJ etc ... ;
By default, STRICT-TAGS always allows wordforms, baseforms, regular expressions, case-insensitive, and VISL-style secondary tags
, "…"
, <…>
), since those are too prolific to list
individually. If you are extra paranoid, you can change that with OPTIONS.
To get a list of unique used tags, pass --show-tags to CG-3. To filter this list to the default set of interesting tags, cg-strictify can be used:
cg-strictify grammar-goes-here
For comparison, this yields 285 tags for VISL's 10000-rule Danish grammar. Edit the resulting list to remove any tags you can see are typos or should otherwise not be allowed, stuff it at the top of the grammar, and recompile the grammar. Any errors you get will be lines where forbidden tags are used, which can be whole sets if those sets aren't used in any rules.
Once you have a suitable STRICT-TAGS list, you can further trim the grammar by taking advantage the fact that any
tag listed in STRICT-TAGS may be used as an implicit set that contains only the tag itself.
No more need for LIST N = N ;
Very similar to STRICT-TAGS, but only performs the final part of making
LIST N = N ;
superfluous. Any tag listed in LIST-TAGS
has an implicit set created for it.
Sub-readings introduce a bit of hierarchy into readings, letting a reading have a hidden reading attached to it,
which in turn may have another hidden reading, and so on. See the test/T_SubReading_Apertium
tests for usage examples.
The Apertium stream format supports sub-readings via the + delimiter for readings. E.g.
is a cohort with 1 reading which has a three level deep sub-reading. The order of which is the primary reading vs. sub-readings depends on the grammar SUBREADINGS setting:
SUBREADINGS = RTL ; # Default, right-to-left SUBREADINGS = LTR ; # Alternate, left-to-right
In default RTL mode, the above reading has the primary reading "main"
with sub-reading
with sub-reading "aux2"
and finally sub-reading "aux3"
In LTR mode, the above reading has the primary reading "aux3"
with sub-reading
with sub-reading "aux1"
and finally sub-reading "main"
The CG stream format supports sub-readings via indentation level. E.g.
"<word>" "main" tag "aux1" tag "aux2" tag "aux3" tag
is a cohort with 1 reading which has a three level deep sub-reading. Unlike the Apertium format, the order is
strictly defined by indentation and cannot be changed. The above reading has the primary reading
with sub-reading "aux1"
with sub-reading "aux2"
and finally sub-reading "aux3"
The indentation level is detected on a per-cohort basis. All whitespace counts the same for purpose of determining indentation, so 1 tab is same as 1 space is same as 1 no-break space and so on. Since it is per-cohort, it won't matter if previous cohorts has a different indentation style, so it is safe to mix cohorts from multiple sources.
Working with sub-readings involves 2 new grammar features: Rule Option SUB:N and Contextual Option /N.
Rule option SUB:N tells a rule which sub-reading it should operate on and which it should test as target. The N is an integer in the range -2^31 to 2^31. SUB:0 is the primary reading and same as not specifying SUB. Positive numbers refer to sub-readings starting from the primary and going deeper, while negative numbers start from the last sub-reading and go towards the primary. Thus, SUB:-1 always refers to the deepest sub-reading.
Given the above CG input and the rules
ADD SUB:-1 (mark) (*) ; ADD SUB:1 (twain) (*) ;
the output will be
"<word>" "main" tag "aux1" tag twain "aux2" tag "aux3" tag mark
Note that SUB:N also determines which reading is looked at as target, so it will work for all rule types.
Context option /N tests the N'th sub-reading of the currently active reading, where N follows the same rules as for SUB:N above. The /N must be last in the context position.
If N is * then the test will search the main reading and all sub-readings.
Given the above CG input and the rules
ADD (mark) (*) (0/-1 ("aux3")) ; # matches 3rd sub-reading "aux3" ADD (twain) (*) (0/1 ("aux1")) ; # matches 1st sub-reading "aux1" ADD (writes) (*) (0/1 ("main")) ; # won't match as 1st sub-reading doesn't have tag "main"
the output will be
"<word>" "main" tag mark twain "aux1" tag "aux2" tag "aux3" tag
Table of Contents
Grammars tend to accumulate rules and conditions over time, as exceptions and corner cases are discovered. But these are very rarely removed again, since they may still be useful but nobody knows if they really are. These tools aim to solve that problem, by letting you test a grammar against a large corpus and see exactly what rules and contexts are used, how often they are used (or not), and examples of contexts in which they are used.
When running a corpus through a grammar, the extra cmdline flag --profile data.sqlite
will gather code coverage and data for hits and misses for every rule and condition into an SQLite 3 database. Each run must use its own database, but they can subsequently be merged with cg-merge-annotations output.sqlite input-one.sqlite input-two.sqlite input-three.sqlite ...
Use cg-annotate data.sqlite /path/to/output
to render the gathered data as HTML. This will create a /path/to/output/index.html
file that you can open in a browser, alongside files with hit examples for each rule and context.
In case of included grammars, each grammar is rendered separately. And in each rendering, the rules and conditions that matched are clickable to go to a page where an example context is shown. The example has # RULE TARGET BEGIN
to mark exactly what cohort triggered the rule/condition.
Table of Contents
Textual grammars are the human readable plain-text input grammars as described in the rest of this manual. Binary grammars are the compiled versions of textual grammars.
For the purpose of commercial distribution, textual grammars are terribly insecure; anyone can take your carefully constructed grammar and use it as a basis of their own work. Binary grammars are more secure in that it takes an active decompilation to get anything human readable, and even then it will be undocumented and look rather different from the original grammar.
As of release, VISL CG-3 can create and use binary grammars. At this point they are basically memory dumps of the compiled grammars and can be trivially decompiled by modifying the sources a bit. Future releases will have options to strenghten the security of the binary grammars by excluding disused parts from the compilation.
As of release, the speed difference between binary and textual is down to factor 2 slower, where previously it was factor 10. So there is no longer any pressing need to use binary grammars solely for their speed advantage.
To compile a textual grammar to a binary form, use
vislcg3 --grammar inputgrammar.txt --grammar-only --grammar-bin binarygrammar.cg3b
(remember to set codepage if needed)
To later on use the binary grammar, simply do
vislcg3 --grammar binarygrammar.cg3b
VISL CG-3 will auto-detect binary grammars in that the first 4 bytes of the file are ['C','G','3','B']. Binary grammars are neutral with regard to codepage and system endianness; to maximize portability of grammars, strings are stored in UTF-8 and all integers are normalized.
Binary grammars generated with the older 'gencg' tool are not compatible with VISL CG-3 and there are no plans to make them loadable. Nor are binary grammars generated with VISL CG-3 usable with the older 'bincg'.
Table of Contents
The EXTERNAL rule types spawn and pass a window to an external process, and expect a modified window in return. The external process is spawned only once the first time the rule hits, is then sent an initial message of the current protocol version, and subseqently passed only windows. It is expected that the reply from a window is another window, or a null reply if there are no changes.
What follows is a description of the protocol using C++ structs. For those who want a more hands-on example, the source tree scripts/ and scripts/ and test/T_External/* is a working example of calling a Perl program that simply adds a tag to every reading.
All datatypes correspond to the C and C++ <stdint.h> types, and no endianness conversion is performed; it is assumed that the external program is native to the same arch as CG-3 is running on. Fields marked 'const' denote they may not be changed by the external. Notice that you may not change the number of cohorts or readings, but you may change the number of tags per reading.
uint32_t protocol_version = 7226; uint32_t null_response = 0; struct Text { uint16_t length; char *utf8_bytes; }; enum READING_FLAGS { R_WAS_MODIFIED = (1 << 0), R_INVISIBLE = (1 << 1), R_DELETED = (1 << 2), R_HAS_BASEFORM = (1 << 3), }; struct Reading { uint32_t reading_length; // sum of all data here plus data from all tags uint32_t flags; Text *baseform; // optional, depends on (flags & R_HAS_BASEFORM) uint32_t num_tags; Text *tags; }; enum COHORT_FLAGS { C_HAS_TEXT = (1 << 0), C_HAS_PARENT = (1 << 1), }; struct Cohort { uint32_t cohort_length; // sum of all data here plus data from all readings const uint32_t number; // which cohort is this uint32_t flags; uint32_t parent; // optional, depends on (flags & C_HAS_PARENT) Text wordform; const uint32_t num_readings; Reading *readings; Text *text; // optional, depends on (flags & C_HAS_TEXT) }; struct Window { uint32_t window_length; // sum of all data here plus data from all cohorts const uint32_t number; // which window is this const uint32_t num_cohorts; Cohort *cohorts; };
Initial packet is simply the protocol_version. This is used to detect when an external may be out of date. If an external cannot reliably handle a protocol, I recommend that it terminates to avoid subtle bugs. Protocol version is only sent once and no response is allowed.
Every time an EXTERNAL rule hits, a Window is sent. If you make no changes to the window, send a null_response. If you do change the window, you must compose a whole Window as response. If you change anything in a Reading, you must set the R_WAS_MODIFIED flag on the Reading. If you change a Cohort's wordform, that automatically sets the R_WAS_MODIFIED flags on all Readings. You must send some response for every window.
When CG-3 is shutting down, the final thing it sends to the external is a null_reponse. Use this to clean up if necessary. Any data output after the null_response is ignored.
Table of Contents
These are commands that exist in the input stream. They must be alone and at the beginning of the line to be respected. They will also be passed along to the output stream.
When encountered, this command will halt input. No further input will be read, no output will be written, and the existing buffers will be silently discarded. After that, the process will exit. If you were considering using Exit, take a look at whether Ignore would suit your needs better. It is strongly recommended to precede an Exit with a Flush.
When encountered, this command will process all windows in the current buffer before continuing. This means that any window spanning contextual tests would not be able to see beyond a FLUSH point.
When encountered, this command will cause all subsequent input to be passed along to the output stream without any disambiguation, until it finds a Resume command. Useful for excluding parts of the input if it differs in e.g. genre or language. It is strongly recommended to precede an Ignore with a Flush.
When encountered, this command resume disambiguation. If disambiguation is already in progress, it has no effect.
Sets global variables. Same effect as the SETVARIABLE rule type, but applicable for a whole parsing chain. Takes a comma-separated list of variables to set, where each variable may have a value.
<STREAMCMD:SETVAR:poetry,year=1764> <STREAMCMD:SETVAR:news> <STREAMCMD:SETVAR:greek=ancient>
Unsets global variables. Same effect as the REMVARIABLE rule type, but applicable for a whole parsing chain. Takes a comma-separated list of variables to unset.
Table of Contents
The CG-2 spec dictates that for a test (*-1C A)
"There is a cohort to the left containing a reading which has a tag belonging to the set A.
The first such cohort must have a tag belonging to the set A in all its readings."
...meaning scanning stops at the first A regardless of whether it is carefully A.
To scan further than the first A you must use **.
VISLCG2 was not compliant with that and would scan until it found a "careful A".
This caused the need for ugly hacks such as (*1C A BARRIER A)
to emulate the correct behavior.
If you for whatever reason need to determine whether a cohort has readings with (un)ambiguous base forms, the following is how:
LIST bform = ".*"r ; # Determines ambiguous base forms ADD (@baseform-diff) $$bform (0 (*) - $$bform) ; # NEGATE to determine unambigious base forms ADD (@baseform-same) $$bform (NEGATE 0 (*) - $$bform) ;
A final cleanup step of many dependency grammars is to attach anything that was not assigned a parent to the root of the window. This can be done easily with:
# For all cohorts that has no parent, attach to 0th cohort SETPARENT (*) (NEGATE p (*)) TO (@0 (*)) ;
The BARRIER and CBARRIER behavior may only refer to a single cohort, but often you want to stop because of a condition expressed in multiple cohorts. This can be solved in a flat manner via MAP, ADD, or SUBSTITUTE.
ADD (¤list) Noun (1 Comma) ; SELECT Noun (-1* Adj BARRIER (¤list)) ;
ADDCOHORT can be used to add any type of cohort, including delimiter ones. But it will not automatically delimit the window at such a cohort, so you need to add a DELIMIT rule after if that is your intended outcome. Just be mindful that DELIMIT will restart the grammar, so ADDCOHORT may fire again causing an endless loop; break it by conditioning ADDCOHORT, such as
ADDCOHORT ("§") AFTER (@title-end) IF (NOT 1 (<<<)) ; DELIMIT _S_DELIMITERS_ ; # Use the magic set that contains what DELIMITERS defined
Table of Contents
The terms in this glossary are specific to the workings and concepts of constraint grammar; internal and otherwise.
The first part of a reading. Every reading must have one of these. It is usually the base form of the word in the containing cohort. Other than that, it is a tag like any other.
The part of a dependency rule that locates a suitable cohort to attach to. It is no different from a normal contextual test and can have links, barriers, etc. While you technically can NEGATE the entire contextual target, it is probably not a good idea to do so.
(-1* Verb LINK 1* Noun)
The part of a disambiguation rule that looks at words surrounding the active cohort. A rule will not act unless all its contextual tests are satisfied.
(-1* Verb LINK 1* Noun)
An array of cohorts as provided by the input stream. Usually the last cohort in a window is one from the DELIMITERS definition. CG-3 can keep several windows in memory at any time in order to fascilitate cross-window scanning from contextual tests. It is also possible to break a window into smaller windows on-the-fly with a DELIMIT rule.
A special type of tag, as defined by the mapping prefix. If a reading contains more than one mapping tag, the reading is multiplied into several readings with one of the mapping tags each and all the normal tags copied.
A single unicode character. If a tag begins with this character, it is considered a mapping tag. The character can be changed with the grammar keyword MAPPING-PREFIX or the command line flag --prefix. Defaults to @.
Part of a cohort. Defines one variant of the word in question. A reading must begin with a baseform. Readings are the whole basis for how CG operates; they are what we disambiguate between and test against. The goal is to exit with one per cohort.
"defy" adjective
The primary workhorses of CG. They can add, remove, alter readings, cohorts, and windows based on tests and type.
ADD (tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ; SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword") BARRIER (tag)) ; DELIMIT targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Table of Contents
You should avoid using these keywords as set names or similar.
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will add the listed tags to the reading. Unlike MAP it will not block further MAP, ADD, or REPLACE rules from operating on the reading.
ADD (tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Inserts a new cohort before or after the target.
ADDCOHORT ("<wordform>" "baseform" tags) BEFORE (@waffles) ; ADDCOHORT ("<wordform>" "baseform" tags) AFTER (@waffles) ;
ADDRELATION creates a one-way named relation from the current cohort to the found cohort. The name must be an alphanumeric string with no whitespace.
ADDRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
ADDRELATIONS creates two one-way named relation; one from the current cohort to the found cohort, and one the other way. The names can be the same if so desired.
ADDRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Same as SECTION, except it is only run a single time per window, and only after all normal SECTIONs have run.
An inline keyword put at the start of a contextual test to mandate that all cohorts found via the dependency or relation must match the set. This is a more readable way of saying 'C'.
SELECT targetset (ALL c (tag)) ;
Deprecated: use "LINK 0" instead. An inline keyword put between contextual tests as shorthand for "LINK 0".
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will create and append a new reading from the listed tags. Since this creates a raw reading you must include a baseform in the tag list.
APPEND ("baseform" tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
An inline keyword part of a contextual test that will halt a scan if the barrier is encountered. Only meaningful in scanning contexts.
SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword") BARRIER (tag)) ;
Same as SECTION, except it is only run a single time per window, and only before all normal SECTIONs have run.
Careful version of BARRIER. Only meaningful in scanning contexts. See CBARRIER.
SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword") CBARRIER (tag)) ;
Deprecated: use SECTION instead. A section of the grammar that can contain SELECT, REMOVE, and IFF entries.
Duplicates a reading and adds tags to it. If you don't want to copy previously copied readings, you will have to keep track of that yourself by adding a marker tag.
COPY (¤copy tags) TARGET (target) - (¤copy) ;
Deprecated: use BEFORE-SECTIONS instead. A section of the grammar that can contain APPEND and SUBSTITUTE entries.
If it finds a reading which satisfies the target and the contextual tests, DELIMIT will cut the disambituation window immediately after the cohort the reading is in. After delimiting in this manner, CG-3 will bail out and disambiguate the newly formed window from the start. This should not be used instead of DELIMITERS unless you know what you are doing.
DELIMIT targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Sets a list of hard delimiters. If one of these are found the disambuation window is cut immediately after the cohort it was found in. If no delimiters are defined or the window exceeds the hard limit (defaults to 500 cohorts), the window will be cut arbitarily. Internally, this is converted to the magic set _S_DELIMITERS_.
DELIMITERS = "<$.>" "<$?>" "<$!>" "<$:>" "<$\;>" ;
Opens up a persistent pipe to the program and passes it the current window.
EXTERNAL ONCE /usr/local/bin/waffles (V) (-1 N) ; EXTERNAL ALWAYS program-in-path (V) (-1 N) ; EXTERNAL ONCE "program with spaces" (V) (-1 N) ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will behave as a SELECT rule. If the tests are not satisfied it will behave as a REMOVE rule.
IFF targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Loads and parses another grammar file as if it had been pasted in on the line of the INCLUDE statement.
INCLUDE other-file-name ;
An inline keyword part of a contextual test that will chain to another contextual test if the current is satisfied. The chained contextual test will operate from the current position in the window, as opposed to the position of the original cohort that initiated the chain. The chain can be extended to any depth.
SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword") LINK 3 (tag)) ;
Defines a new set based on a list of tags, or appends to an existing set.
LIST setname = tag othertag (mtag htag) ltag ; LIST setname += even more tags ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will add the listed tags to the reading and block further MAP, ADD, or REPLACE rules from operating on the reading.
MAP (tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Deprecated: use BEFORE-SECTIONS instead. A section of the grammar that can contain MAP, ADD, and REPLACE entries.
Defines the single prefix character that should determine whether a tag is considered a mapping tag or not. Defaults to @.
Moves cohorts and optionally all children of the cohort to a different position in the window.
MOVE targetset (-1* ("someword")) AFTER (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ; MOVE WITHCHILD (*) targetset (-1* ("someword")) BEFORE (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ; MOVE targetset (-1* ("someword")) AFTER WITHCHILD (*) (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ; MOVE WITHCHILD (*) targetset (-1* ("someword")) BEFORE WITHCHILD (*) (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ;
An inline keyword put at the start of a contextual test to invert the combined result of all following contextual tests. Similar to, but not the same as, NOT.
SELECT targetset (NEGATE -1* ("someword") LINK NOT 1 (tag)) ;
An inline keyword put at the start of a contextual test to mandate that none of the cohorts found via the dependency or relation must match the set. This is a more readable way of saying 'NOT'.
SELECT targetset (NONE c (tag)) ;
An inline keyword put at the start of a contextual test to invert the result of it. Similar to, but not the same as, NEGATE.
SELECT targetset (NEGATE -1* ("someword") LINK NOT 1 (tag)) ;
Same as SECTION, except it is not actually run. Used for containing ANCHOR'ed lists of rules that you don't want run in the normal course of rule application.
If the preferred targets are defined, this will influence SELECT, REMOVE, and IFF rules. Normally, these rules will operate until one reading remains in the cohort. If there are preferred targets, these rules are allowed to operate until there are no readings left, after which the preferred target list is consulted to find a reading to "bring back from the dead" and pass on as the final reading to survive the round. Due to its nature of defying the rule application order, this is bad voodoo. I recommend only using this if you know what you are doing. This currently has no effect in CG-3, but will in the future.
PREFERRED-TARGETS = tag othertag etctag ;
If it finds a reading which satisfies the target and the contextual tests, REMCOHORT will remove the cohort and all its readings from the current disambiguation window.
REMCOHORT targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will delete the mached reading.
REMOVE targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Destroys one direction of a relation previously created with either SETRELATION or SETRELATIONS.
REMRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Destroys both directions of a relation previously created with either SETRELATION or SETRELATIONS.
REMRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will remove all existing tags from the reading, then add the listed tags to the reading and block further MAP, ADD, or REPLACE rules from operating on the reading.
REPLACE (tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will delete all other readings except the matched one.
SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Defines a new set based on operations between existing sets.
SET setname = someset + someotherset - (tag) ;
Attaches the matching reading to the contextually targetted cohort as the parent. The last link of the contextual test is used as target.
SETCHILD targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (step) LINK 1* (candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Attaches the matching reading to the contextually targetted cohort as a child. The last link of the contextual test is used as target.
SETPARENT targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (step) LINK 1* (candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Creates a one-way named relation from the current cohort to the found cohort. The name must be an alphanumeric string with no whitespace.
SETRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Creates two one-way named relation; one from the current cohort to the found cohort, and one the other way. The names can be the same if so desired.
SETRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Sets a list of soft delimiters. If a disambiguation window is approaching the soft-limit (defaults to 300 cohorts), CG-3 will begin to look for a soft delimiter to cut the window after. Internally, this is converted to the magic set _S_SOFT_DELIMITERS_.
A list of set names that need to be preserved at runtime to be used with advanced variable strings.
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will remove the tags from the search list, then add the listed tags to the reading. No guarantee is currently made as to where the replacement tags are inserted, but in the future the idea is that the tags will be inserted in place of the last found tag from the search list. This is a moot point for CG-3 as the tag order does not matter internally, but external tools may expect a specific order.
SUBSTITUTE (search tags) (new tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Switches the position of two cohorts in the window.
SWITCH targetset (-1* ("someword")) WITH (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ;
Sets up templates of alternative contextual tests which can later be referred to by multiple rules or templates.
TEMPLATE name = (1 (N) LINK 1 (V)) OR (-1 (N) LINK 1 (V)) ; TEMPLATE other = (T:name LINK 1 (P)) OR (1 (C)) ; SELECT (x) IF ((T:name) OR (T:other)) ;
Sets a list of non-CG text delimiters.
If any of the patterns match non-CG text between cohorts, the window will be delimited at that point.
Internally, this is converted to the magic set _S_TEXT_DELIMITERS_.
If cmdline flag -T
is passed, that will override any pattern set in the grammar.
TEXT-DELIMITERS = /(^|\n)<s/r ;
A list of set names that will be undefined and made available for redefinition. See set manipulation.
Things that are planned but not yet implemented or not yet fully functional.
[wordform] MATCH <target> [contextual_tests] ;
Used for tracing and debugging, it will not alter the readings but will gather information on why it matched, specifically what cohorts that fulfilled the tests. Those numbers will be output in a format yet to be determined. Something along the lines of M:548:1,3,4;2,1;9,9 where the numbers are absolute offsets within the window, first cohort being the 1st one (0th cohort is the magic >>>). As such, 1,3,4 would denote that the first contextual test looked at cohorts 1, 3, and 4 to validate itself, but not at cohort 2 (this can easily happen if you have a (2 ADV LINK 1 V) test or similar). This reveals a great deal about how the rule works.
[wordform] EXECUTE <anchor_name> <anchor_name> <target> [contextual_tests] ;
These rules will allow you to mark named anchors and jump to them based on a context. In this manner you can skip or repeat certain rules. JUMP will jump to a location in the grammar and run rules from there till the end (or another JUMP which sends it to a different location), while EXECUTE will run rules in between the two provided ANCHORs and then return to normal.