Table of Contents
You should avoid using these keywords as set names or similar.
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will add the listed tags to the reading. Unlike MAP it will not block further MAP, ADD, or REPLACE rules from operating on the reading.
ADD (tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Inserts a new cohort before or after the target.
ADDCOHORT ("<wordform>" "baseform" tags) BEFORE (@waffles) ; ADDCOHORT ("<wordform>" "baseform" tags) AFTER (@waffles) ;
ADDRELATION creates a one-way named relation from the current cohort to the found cohort. The name must be an alphanumeric string with no whitespace.
ADDRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
ADDRELATIONS creates two one-way named relation; one from the current cohort to the found cohort, and one the other way. The names can be the same if so desired.
ADDRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Same as SECTION, except it is only run a single time per window, and only after all normal SECTIONs have run.
An inline keyword put at the start of a contextual test to mandate that all cohorts found via the dependency or relation must match the set. This is a more readable way of saying 'C'.
SELECT targetset (ALL c (tag)) ;
Deprecated: use "LINK 0" instead. An inline keyword put between contextual tests as shorthand for "LINK 0".
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will create and append a new reading from the listed tags. Since this creates a raw reading you must include a baseform in the tag list.
APPEND ("baseform" tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
An inline keyword part of a contextual test that will halt a scan if the barrier is encountered. Only meaningful in scanning contexts.
SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword") BARRIER (tag)) ;
Same as SECTION, except it is only run a single time per window, and only before all normal SECTIONs have run.
Careful version of BARRIER. Only meaningful in scanning contexts. See CBARRIER.
SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword") CBARRIER (tag)) ;
Deprecated: use SECTION instead. A section of the grammar that can contain SELECT, REMOVE, and IFF entries.
Duplicates a reading and adds tags to it. If you don't want to copy previously copied readings, you will have to keep track of that yourself by adding a marker tag.
COPY (€copy tags) TARGET (target) - (€copy) ;
Deprecated: use BEFORE-SECTIONS instead. A section of the grammar that can contain APPEND and SUBSTITUTE entries.
If it finds a reading which satisfies the target and the contextual tests, DELIMIT will cut the disambituation window immediately after the cohort the reading is in. After delimiting in this manner, CG-3 will bail out and disambiguate the newly formed window from the start. This should not be used instead of DELIMITERS unless you know what you are doing.
DELIMIT targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Sets a list of hard delimiters. If one of these are found the disambuation window is cut immediately after the cohort it was found in. If no delimiters are defined or the window exceeds the hard limit (defaults to 500 cohorts), the window will be cut arbitarily. Internally, this is converted to the magic set _S_DELIMITERS_.
DELIMITERS = "<$.>" "<$?>" "<$!>" "<$:>" "<$\;>" ;
Opens up a persistent pipe to the program and passes it the current window.
EXTERNAL ONCE /usr/local/bin/waffles (V) (-1 N) ; EXTERNAL ALWAYS program-in-path (V) (-1 N) ; EXTERNAL ONCE "program with spaces" (V) (-1 N) ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will behave as a SELECT rule. If the tests are not satisfied it will behave as a REMOVE rule.
IFF targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Loads and parses another grammar file as if it had been pasted in on the line of the INCLUDE statement.
INCLUDE other-file-name ;
An inline keyword part of a contextual test that will chain to another contextual test if the current is satisfied. The chained contextual test will operate from the current position in the window, as opposed to the position of the original cohort that initiated the chain. The chain can be extended to any depth.
SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword") LINK 3 (tag)) ;
Defines a new set based on a list of tags, or appends to an existing set.
LIST setname = tag othertag (mtag htag) ltag ; LIST setname += even more tags ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will add the listed tags to the reading and block further MAP, ADD, or REPLACE rules from operating on the reading.
MAP (tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Deprecated: use BEFORE-SECTIONS instead. A section of the grammar that can contain MAP, ADD, and REPLACE entries.
Defines the single prefix character that should determine whether a tag is considered a mapping tag or not. Defaults to @.
Moves cohorts and optionally all children of the cohort to a different position in the window.
MOVE targetset (-1* ("someword")) AFTER (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ; MOVE WITHCHILD (*) targetset (-1* ("someword")) BEFORE (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ; MOVE targetset (-1* ("someword")) AFTER WITHCHILD (*) (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ; MOVE WITHCHILD (*) targetset (-1* ("someword")) BEFORE WITHCHILD (*) (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ;
An inline keyword put at the start of a contextual test to invert the combined result of all following contextual tests. Similar to, but not the same as, NOT.
SELECT targetset (NEGATE -1* ("someword") LINK NOT 1 (tag)) ;
An inline keyword put at the start of a contextual test to mandate that none of the cohorts found via the dependency or relation must match the set. This is a more readable way of saying 'NOT'.
SELECT targetset (NONE c (tag)) ;
An inline keyword put at the start of a contextual test to invert the result of it. Similar to, but not the same as, NEGATE.
SELECT targetset (NEGATE -1* ("someword") LINK NOT 1 (tag)) ;
Same as SECTION, except it is not actually run. Used for containing ANCHOR'ed lists of rules that you don't want run in the normal course of rule application.
If the preferred targets are defined, this will influence SELECT, REMOVE, and IFF rules. Normally, these rules will operate until one reading remains in the cohort. If there are preferred targets, these rules are allowed to operate until there are no readings left, after which the preferred target list is consulted to find a reading to "bring back from the dead" and pass on as the final reading to survive the round. Due to its nature of defying the rule application order, this is bad voodoo. I recommend only using this if you know what you are doing. This currently has no effect in CG-3, but will in the future.
PREFERRED-TARGETS = tag othertag etctag ;
If it finds a reading which satisfies the target and the contextual tests, REMCOHORT will remove the cohort and all its readings from the current disambiguation window.
REMCOHORT targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will delete the mached reading.
REMOVE targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Destroys one direction of a relation previously created with either SETRELATION or SETRELATIONS.
REMRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Destroys both directions of a relation previously created with either SETRELATION or SETRELATIONS.
REMRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will remove all existing tags from the reading, then add the listed tags to the reading and block further MAP, ADD, or REPLACE rules from operating on the reading.
REPLACE (tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will delete all other readings except the matched one.
SELECT targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Defines a new set based on operations between existing sets.
SET setname = someset + someotherset - (tag) ;
Attaches the matching reading to the contextually targetted cohort as the parent. The last link of the contextual test is used as target.
SETCHILD targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (step) LINK 1* (candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Attaches the matching reading to the contextually targetted cohort as a child. The last link of the contextual test is used as target.
SETPARENT targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (step) LINK 1* (candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Creates a one-way named relation from the current cohort to the found cohort. The name must be an alphanumeric string with no whitespace.
SETRELATION (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Creates two one-way named relation; one from the current cohort to the found cohort, and one the other way. The names can be the same if so desired.
SETRELATIONS (name) (name) targetset (-1* ("someword")) TO (1* (@candidate)) (2 SomeSet) ;
Sets a list of soft delimiters. If a disambiguation window is approaching the soft-limit (defaults to 300 cohorts), CG-3 will begin to look for a soft delimiter to cut the window after. Internally, this is converted to the magic set _S_SOFT_DELIMITERS_.
A list of set names that need to be preserved at runtime to be used with advanced variable strings.
Singles out a reading from the cohort that matches the target, and if all contextual tests are satisfied it will remove the tags from the search list, then add the listed tags to the reading. No guarantee is currently made as to where the replacement tags are inserted, but in the future the idea is that the tags will be inserted in place of the last found tag from the search list. This is a moot point for CG-3 as the tag order does not matter internally, but external tools may expect a specific order.
SUBSTITUTE (search tags) (new tags) targetset (-1* ("someword")) ;
Switches the position of two cohorts in the window.
SWITCH targetset (-1* ("someword")) WITH (1* ("buffalo")) (-1 ("water")) ;
Sets up templates of alternative contextual tests which can later be referred to by multiple rules or templates.
TEMPLATE name = (1 (N) LINK 1 (V)) OR (-1 (N) LINK 1 (V)) ; TEMPLATE other = (T:name LINK 1 (P)) OR (1 (C)) ; SELECT (x) IF ((T:name) OR (T:other)) ;
Sets a list of non-CG text delimiters.
If any of the patterns match non-CG text between cohorts, the window will be delimited at that point.
Internally, this is converted to the magic set _S_TEXT_DELIMITERS_.
If cmdline flag -T
is passed, that will override any pattern set in the grammar.
TEXT-DELIMITERS = /(^|\n)<s/r ;
A list of set names that will be undefined and made available for redefinition. See set manipulation.