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The Paintbox Game

Gymnasium English for Science and Technology
HHX Structural Grammar
Elementær Sætningsanalyse Handels- og Ingeniørhøjskolen
English Sentence Analysis Old Exam Papers
English Sentence Analysis Far from the Madding Crowd
Søren Rasmus Ravn Andersen Call of the Wild
Grammar and Written Proficiency HTX
Pre-analyzed sentence
Automatic parse
Sentences from Grammar and Written Proficiency

contributed by Hans Jørgen Ladegaard

Center for Cand. Negot. Studies

SDU - Odense University


Table of




  0A.1) Sarah laughed.

  0A.2) Sarah and her boyfriend Jimmy laughed.

  0A.3) He wrote a letter.

  0A.4) The old man wrote a long letter.

  0A.5) I received the letter yesterday.

  0A.6) I gave my wife the letter.

  0A.7) He bought his wife a bunch of flowers.

  0A.8) He wrote his mother a letter last Friday.

  0A.9) She must have been giving him sweets.

  0A.10) Last Sunday my father grudingly gave me my allowance.

  0A.11) Here comes the bride.

  0A.12) My father gave his old car a complete overhaul.

  0A.13) The old man said that he would leave soon.

  0A.14) She had promised her mother that they would come.

  0A.15) Fred left these papers when he was here last.

  0A.16) It was raining hard.

  0A.17) John is a nice fellow.

  0A.18) There are many kinds of people.

  0A.19) They always considered him a complete idiot.

  0A.20) Who has seen my new razor?

  0A.21) Marion said it was just as well she had gone.

  0A.22) John's best friend, who lives around the corner, is single.

  0A.23) Next year Henry will have been paid by me for 25 years.

  0A.24) The happy farmers laughed and danced until the morning arrived.

  0A.25) That Helen left the party so early had bothered Jack and Jill immensely.




  0B2.2.1) She became aware of something about her.

  0B2.2.2) With an effort she roused herself to see what had penetrated her consciousness.

  0B2.2.3) The tall white lillies were reeling in the moonlight, and the air was charged with their perfume.

  0B2.2.4) She gasped slightly in fear.

  0B2.2.5) She touched the big, pallid flowers on their petals, then shivered.

  0B2.2.6) They seemed to be stretching in the moonlight.

  0B2.2.7a) She put her hand into one white bin:

  0B2.2.7b) the gold scarcely showed on her fingers by moonlight.

  0B2.3.1) I have never seen the man.

  0B2.3.2) He is certainly a fool.

  0B2.3.3) In the end everyone gave her their support.

  0B2.3.4) That her son should have done such a thing shocked her no end

  0B2.3.5) The Premier warned yesterday in an interview with a German newspaper that a situation in which the Liberals held the balance of power could conceivably lead to yet another early general election.

  0B2.3.6) One of the most wanted men in Northern Ireland, said to be a commander of the provisional IRA in Belfast, has been arrested by troops.



EXERCISE 0C1 (p.6)

  0C1.1) The attempt to get away from the fairies was not a success.

  0C1.2) "You'll never get away from us again," they laughed.

  0C1.3) "You can sing, you can dance, you can do what you like, but we won't let you go", they said.

  0C1.4a) "Give me that new, golden ring", one of them said,

  0C1.4b) "it looks expensive and it's beautifully made!"

  0C1.5a) "I'll deal with you later", he said rather scornfully,

  0C1.5b) "I often do that ... but it's hardly my job to apologize to everyone."

  0C1.6) "By the end of the day, this might be a better way of doing it, Wolf," said one of the older fairies.

  0C1.7a) "How would you know?" Wolf said angrily,

  0C1.7b) "why are you always so clever?"

  0C1.8a) "What about me", cried the little fellow behind the tree,

  0C1.8b) "what is he going to do with me?

  0C1.8c) Why am I always left behind?"

  0C1.9) Then all of a sudden they realized that the money was no longer there and they had to start looking.

  0C1.10) He looked under the bench, in the house and behind the stables but the money was gone.

  0C1.11a) "Oh no!" he cried,

  0C1.11b) "this is the second time this year I've had to do this

  0C1.11c) somebody help!"



EXERCISE 0C2 (p.6)

  0C2.1) She found it [Russian literature] interesting while staying in Russia with Bill.

  0C2.2) I like it here.

  0C2.3) She gave going to France a good deal of thought.

  0C2.4) The milk was turned sour by the heat.

  0C2.5) He never even met this woman secretly in Leicester.




  W1) The happy farmers laughed and danced until morning arrived.

  WA2) That Helen left the party so early had bothered Jack and Jill immensely.

  WA3) Evetually the rat learns that it can obtain food by pressing the bar.

  WA4) The little yellow flower which he gave her was expensive but beautiful.

  WA5) I happened to run into the professor who is to be your supervisor next term.

  WA6) One of the most wanted men in Northern Ireland, said to be the commander of the provisional IRA in Belfast, has been arrested by troops.

  WA7) The Premier warned yesterday in an interview with a German newspaper that a situation in which the Liberals held the balance of power could conceivably lead to yet another early general election.

  WA8) What is true is that the voters who are rallying to the Senator from Colorado don't care what he thinks, or what he has stood for in the past.

  WA9) Skinner's claim to understand human language was based on his work with rats and pigeons.

  W10) In fact, it might even be claimed that the ultimate goal of first language acquisition is to lie effectively.




  03.1) Only in this way can the existence of life in a limited part of the history of the universe be a precondition for that universe ever having come into being.

  03.2) What the unfortunates were told who had to give up life and property for this war bore no relation at any time to the real facts of the matter.

  03.3) One thing writing the book did for me was to bring right to the surface my anger with my parents.

  03.4) There are also those who claim that The Times is not only trying to challenge The Daily Telegraph for readers but is trying to surpass it in conservative fervour.

  03.5) He tried to make some feebly jocular remark about open pores and it being obvious that I didn´t intend venturing out again that night.




  C1) A customs official confiscated an anthology I had edited some years ago, which I brought along to give away to Russians I met who might be interested in American poetry.


  D1) To live with my mother meant living according to new beliefs which were in almost every way inconsistent with what I had learned elsewhere.


  E1) Discovering that this difficult German shared his taste for growing cactus was a revalation to Ryden, who was a well-known member of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Great Britain.




EXAM 1996/97 (p.38)

  EX1) The hope is now that the major oil companies, which believe that supply and demand will tighten over the coming three months, will buy tactically to fix prices.

  EX2) That a dunce like Rosenblatt should find a host of adherents in Washington raised very serious questions about the sanctity and durability of American government.


EXAM 1997 (p.42)

  EX3) A heroin addict is fully aware that he or she is often acting in a manner which is in direct contradiction to rational judgement.

  EX4) Having grown up in Ireland, a country whose history is stained with blood, I have always needed to believe in the force of forgiveness.


EXAM 1997/98 (p.46)

  EX5) If promoting animal welfare were an overriding goal of policy, the top priority would be to restrict factory farming, which inflicts terrible cruelty on millions of animals.

  EX6) Political pundits claim that Mbeki's only fault is that he is sometimes sceptical towards collegues and the media because he believes they are out to get him.


EXAM 1998 (p.50)

  EX7) A woman who has experienced the difficulty many women report in getting heard in some interactions with men will embrace the studies that find that men iterrupt women.

  EX8) You will discover that the British spend a lot of time and expense on what appears to be prebusiness meetings without really saying what they are interested in.



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