Martin Carlsen (Systems)
Student Assistant

Work Phone: (+ 45) 65 50 33 62
Home Phone: (+ 45) 26 67 20 15
Martin is a student of Computer Systems Engineering at the University of
Southern Denmark.
He has written two natural language parsers for the VISL project:
a Constraint Grammar compiler based on the CG-2 formalism and a Context Free
compiler for ambiguous grammars and ambiguous input.
He is the architect of most of the infrastructure of the VISL
web site and developed VISL's first applet for visualizing syntax trees
as well as a multitude of minor scripts. He was also involved in adapting
the syntax tree applet for Arabic and Russian.
Recently having engaged in a private enterprise, he is now also working
with topics such as text compression, speech recognition,
and software for handheld computers.
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