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Bick, Eckhard

Bick, Eckhard; Blom, Jonas Nygaard; Rathje, Marianne; Schack, Jørgen (2024). Man or Machine: Evaluating Spelling Error Detection in Danish Newspaper Corpora. In: Maite Melero et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages @ LREC-COLING 2024 (Torino). pp. 204-211

Bick, Eckhard (2024). Linking Danish Parser Output to a Central Word Repository - From Morphosemantic Disambiguation to Unique Identifiers. In: Munir Georges et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2023, Ingolstadt). ACL. pp. 93-101

Bick, Eckhard (2024). Attribution of Quoted Speech in Portuguese Text. In: Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2023 Workshop on Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications (Tórshavn, Faroe Islands). pp 1-9. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)

Bick, Eckhard (2023). Extraction of Literary Character Information in Portuguese (Extração de Informação sobre Personagens Literários em Português) In: DIP - Desafio de Identificação de Personagens. Linguamática, 15(1). pp. 31-40. University of Minho & University of Vigo. ISSN 1647-0818.

Bick, Eckhard (2023). Concepts of Europe in Danish and German Social Media: A Corpus-Linguistic Study In: Katja Gorbahn, Erla Hallsteinsdóttir & Jan Engberg (eds.), Exploring Interconnectedness - Constructions of European and National Identities in Educational Media, pp. 187-212. Palgrave Studies in Educational Media. Palgrave Macmillan & Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-13959-8.

Bick, Eckhard; Gorbahn, Katja; Kalwa, Nina (2023). Methodological Approaches to the Digital Analysis of Educational Media: Exploring Concepts of Europe and the Nation In: Katja Gorbahn, Erla Hallsteinsdóttir & Jan Engberg (eds.), Exploring Interconnectedness - Constructions of European and National Identities in Educational Media, pp. 143-186. Palgrave Studies in Educational Media. Palgrave Macmillan & Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-13959-8.

Rathje, Marianne; Schack, Jørgen; Blom, Jonas; Bick, Eckhard (2023); Stavefejl i aviserne i 1999 og 2019 In: Nyt fra Sprognævnet, October 2023.

Bick, Eckhard (2023). VISL & CG-3: Constraint Grammar on the Move: An application-driven paradigm. In: Arvi Hurskainen, Kimmo Koskenniemi & Tommi Pirinen (eds.), Rule-Based Language Technology. NEALT Monograph Series vol. 2, pp. 112-140. University of Tartu. ISSN 1736-6291

Bick, Eckhard (2023). Derogatory Linguistic Mechanisms in Danish Online Hate Speech. In: Isabel Ermida (Ed.): Hate Speech in Social Media: A Linguistic Approach. London: Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming)

Bick, Eckhard; Geyer, Klaus (2023). Das deutsch-dänische XPEROHS-Korpus: Hassrede in sozialen Medien. In: Marc Kupietz & Thomas Schmidt (eds.), Neuere Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik: Beiträge zur IDS-Methodenmesse 2022, pp. 115-115. Narr Francke Attempto Verlag (CLIP - Korpuslinguistik und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Sprache).

Fenyvesi, Katalin; Bick, Eckhard; Geyer, Klaus (2022). Sadness-related expressions in Danish and German - Corpus-analysis and Natural Semantic Metalanguage. In: Carsten Levisen et al. (eds.): Cognitive Cultural Semantics: A Nordic Guide to the Natural Semantic Metalanguage. Scandinavian Studies in Language, 13(1), pp. 249–273.

Bick, Eckhard (2022). Lemma Hunting: Automatic Spelling Normalization for CMC Corpora. In: Robin Schaefer et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2022, Potsdam). Potsdam University/ACL. pp. 16-20

Bick, Eckhard (2022). PFN-PT: A Framenet Annotator for Portuguese. In: Heliana Mello & Fernanda Farinelli (eds.): The computational treatment of Brazilian Portuguese. Domínios de Linguagem. [S. l.], v. 16, n. 4, pp. 1401-1435. ISSN 1980-5799

Bick, Eckhard (2022). A Framenet and Frame Annotator for German Social Media. In: Nicoletta Calzolari et al. (eds.): Proceedings of LREC 2022 (Marseille). pp. 3942‑3949

Bick, Eckhard (2022). A Modular Machine Translation Pipeline for Greenlandic. In: Jernej Vičič & Branko Kavšek (eds.) Proceedings of The International Conference on Agglutinative Language Technologies as a Challenge of Natural Language Processing (ALTNLP 2022). CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol 3315. ISSN 1613-0073

Bick, Eckhard (2022). Towards an Automatic Mark-up of Rhetorical Structure in Student Essays. In: Grigori Sidorov & Ulises Cortés (eds.): Computación y Sistemas, Vol. 26, No. 3 (2022), pp. 1333-1342. ISSN 2007-9737, print ISSN 1405-5546 [Proceedings of CICLing 2018 - 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Hanoi, March 2018)].

Geyer, Klaus; Bick, Eckhard; Kleene, Andrea (2022). "I am not a racist, but ...": A Corpus-Based Analysis of Xenophobic Hate Speech Constructions in Danish and German Social Media Discourse. In: Knoblock, Natalia L. (red.): The Grammar of Hate: Morphosyntactic Features of Hateful, Aggressive, and Dehumanizing Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 241-261.

Bick, Eckhard; Geyer, Klaus (2022). Das deutsch-dänische XPEROHS-Korpus: Hassrede in sozialen Medien. In: Korpora in der germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft: mündlich, schriftlich, multimedial (Abstracts der 58. Jahrestagung des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache). pp. 44-46

Bick, Eckhard (2021). Almans and Kanaks: Inter-cultural Stereotypes in a German Twitter Corpus. In: Mey, Jacob; Holsting, Alexandra; Johannessen, Christian (Eds.): RASK - International Journal of Language and Communication. Vol. 53, pp. 101-117. University of Southern Denmark. ISSN: 0909-8976

Bick, Eckhard; Geyer, Klaus; Kleene, Andrea (2021). "Die ách so friedlichen Muslime": Eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung von Formulierungsmustern fremdenfeindlicher Aussagen in Sozialen Medien. In: Sebastian Wachs, Barbara Koch-Priewe & Andreas Zick (red.): Hate Speech - Multidisziplinäre Analysen und Handlungsoptionen - Theoretische und empirische Annäherungen an ein interdisziplinäre Phänomen. pp. 81-103. Springer VS

Bick, Eckhard (2020). Annotating Emoticons and Emojis in a German-Danish Social Media Corpus for Hate Speech Research. In: Mey, Jacob; Holsting, Alexandra; Johannessen, Christian (Eds.): RASK - International Journal of Language and Communication. Vol. 52, pp. 1-20. University of Southern Denmark. ISSN: 0909-8976

Santos, Diana; Bick, Eckhard; Wlodek, Marcin (2020). Avaliando entidades mencionadas na coleção ELTeC-por (Assessing named entities in the ELTeC-por collection). In: Linguamática. Vol. 12(2). pp. 29-49. ISSN 1647-0818

Bick, Eckhard (2020). An Annotated Social Media Corpus for German. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2020 (Marseille, May 2020). pp. 6129-6137. ACL / ELRA

Bick, Eckhard (2020). Syntax and Semantics in a Treebank for Esperanto. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2020 (Marseille, May 2020). pp. 5122-5129. ACL / ELRA

Bick, Eckhard (2019). Automatic Generation and Semantic Grading of Esperanto Sentences in a Teaching Context. In: Alfter, David et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on NLP for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (NLP2CALL at NoDaLiDa, Sept. 2019, Turku, Finland). NEALT Proceedings Series Vol. 39 & ACL Anthology W19-6302, pp. 10-19. LiU Electronic Press & ACL. ISBN 978-91-7929-998-9

Baumgarten, Nicole; Bick, Eckhard; Klaus, Geyer; Iversen, Ditte Aakær; Kleene, Andrea; Lindø, Anna vibeke; Neitsch, Jana; Niebuhr, Oliver; Nielsen, Rasmus; Petersen, Esben Nedenskov (2019). Towards Balance and Boundaries in Public Discourse: Expressing and Perceiving Online Hate Speech (XPEROHS). In: Mey, Jacob; Holsting, Alexandra; Johannessen, Christian (ed.): RASK - International Journal of Language and Communication. Vol. 50., pp. 87-108. University of Southern Denmark. ISSN 0909-8976

Bick, Eckhard (2019). Tagging What Isn´t There: Enriching CG Annotation With Implicit Information. In: Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2019 Workshop on Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications (30 September 2019, Turku, Finland), Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, NEALT Proceedings Series Vol. 168, pp. 5-11. Linköping: LiU Electronic Press. ISBN 978-91-7929-918-7

Bick, Eckhard (2019). Dependency Trees for Greenlandic. In: Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2019). German Society for Computational Linguistics & Language Technology. pp 140-148.

Bick, Eckhard (2019). A Semantic Ontology of Danish Adjectives. In: Simon Dobnik, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Vera Demberg (editors): Proceedings of IWCS 2010 - 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics (Gothenburg, 23-27 May 2019). ACL Anthology W19-04. pp 71-78. URL:

Bick, Eckhard (2019). Anotação Gramatical do Projeto NURC Digital. Chapter in: Miguel Oliveira Jr.: NURC - 50 anos. pp. 195-216. Ipipiranga: Parábola Editorial. ISBN: 978-85-7934-162-5

Bick, Eckhard (2018). Towards an Automatic Mark-up of Rhetorical Structure in Student Essays. In: Proceedings of CICLing 2018 - 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Hanoi, March 2018), forthcoming (preprint, IJCLA - International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications --> published 2022 in Computación y Sistemas)

Bick, Eckhard (2018). Arbobanko - A Treebank for Esperanto. In: Proceedings of CICLing 2018 - 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Hanoi, March 2018), forthcoming (preprint, LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer)

Santos, Diana; Freitas, Cláudia; Bick, Eckhard (2018). OBras: a fully annotated and partially human-revised corpus of Brazilian literary works in the public domainOpenCor Forum, Canela, RGS (workshop at PROPOR 2018, 24. Sept. 2018)

Bick, Eckhard (2017). Propbank Annotation of Danish Noun Frames. In: Proceedings of IWCS2017 - 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (Montpellier, September 2017). ACL Anthology W17-69. URL:

Rademaker, Alexandre & Fabricio Chalub & Livy Real & Cláudia Freitas & Eckhard Bick & Valeria de Paiva (2017). Universal Dependencies for Portuguese. In: Simonetta Montemagni & Joakim Nivre (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017). Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings No. 139. ACL Anthology W17-65. pp. 197-206. ISBN: 978-91-7685-467-9.

Listenmaa, Inari & Jose Maria Arriola & Itziar Aduriz & Eckhard Bick (2017). Cleaning up the Basque Grammar: A work in Progress. In: Eckhard Bick & Trond Trosterud (Eds.): Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications (22 May 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden), Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, NEALT Proceedings Series, No. 140. pp. 10-14. Linköping: LiU Electronic Press. ISBN 978-91-7685-465-5

Bick, Eckhard (2017). Using Constraint Grammar for Treebank Retokenization. In: Eckhard Bick & Trond Trosterud (Eds.): Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications (22 May 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden), Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, NEALT Proceedings Series, No. 140. pp. 6-9. Linköping: LiU Electronic Press. ISBN 978-91-7685-465-5

Bick, Eckhard (2017). From Treebank to Propbank: A Semantic-Role and VerbNet Corpus for Danish. In: Jörg Tiedemann (editor): Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa 2017, Göteborg). NEALT Proceedings Series Vol. 29. pp. 202-210. Linköping University Electronic Press. ISBN: 978-91-7685-601-7

Bick, Eckhard (2016). Constraint Grammar-based Conversion of Dependency Treebanks. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON 2016, Varanasi, India, 17-20 Dec 2016). pp 109-114. NLP Association of India (NLPAI)

Bick, Eckhard & Marcos Zampieri (2016). Grammatical Annotation of Historical Portuguese: Creating a Corpus-Based Diachronic Dictionary. In: Sojka, P. & A. Horák & I. Kopeček & K. Pala (eds.), Text, Speech and Dialogue - 19th International Conference, TSD 2016 (Brno, 12-16 Sept 2016). LNAI Series, Vol. 9924, pp. 3-11. Heidelberg: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-45510-5

Wärnsby, Anna & Asko Kauppinen & Andreas Eriksson & Maria Wiktorsson & Eckhard Bick & Leif-Joran Olsson (2016). Building Interdisciplinary Bridges - MUCH: The Malmö University-Charlmers Corpus of Academic Writing as a Process. Chapter in: Timofeeva, Olga & Anne-Christine Gardner & Alpo Honkapohja & Sarah Chevalier (eds.), New Approaches to English - Linguistics: Building Bridges. pp. 197-211. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 9789027259424

Bick, Eckhard (2016). A Morphological Lexicon of Esperanto with Morpheme Frequencies, In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2016 (Portorož, May 23-28, 2016). pp. 1075-1078. ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1

Bick, Eckhard (2015). DanProof: Pedagogical Spell and Grammar Checking for Danish. In: Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva & Ruslan Mitkov: Proceedings of RANLP 2015 (Hissar, Bulgaria, 7-9 Sept. 2015). pp. 55-62. ISSN 1313-8502, ISBN 781510813281

Bick, Eckhard (2015). La kunteksta vortaro DeepDict: Korpusa leksikografio en Esperanto. In: Christer Kiselman & José Vergara (eds.): De esperanta korpuso ĝis islanda lingvopolitiko - Aktoj de la 36-a Esperantologia Konferenco en la 98-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Rejkjaviko 2013. pp. 7-17. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. ISBN 978-92-9017-125-6

Bick, Eckhard & Kristin Hagen & Anders Nøklestad (2015). Optimizing the Oslo-Bergen Tagger. In: Eckhard Bick & Kristin Hagen: Proceedings of Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications (Workshop at NODALIDA 2015, May 11, 2015, Vilnius), Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, No. 113. pp. 11-19. Linköping: LiU Electronic Press. ISBN 978-91-7519-037-2

Bick, Eckhard & Tino Didriksen (2015). CG-3 - Beyond Classical Constraint Grammar. In: Beáta Megyesi: Proceedings of NODALIDA 2015, May 11-13, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania. pp. 31-39. Linköping: LiU Electronic Press. ISBN 978-91-7519-098-3

Bick, Eckhard & Anabela Barreiro (2015). Automatic Anonymisation of a new Portuguese-English Parallel Corpus in the Legal-Financial Domain. In: Alberto Simões, Anabela Barreiro, Diana Santos, Rui Sousa-Silva & Stella E.O. Tagnin (eds.), Linguística, Informática e Tradução: Mundos que se Cruzam. Oslo Studies in Language, Vol. 7, No 1 (2015). pp. 101-122. ISBN 978-82-91398-12-9, ISSN 1890-9639

Bick, Eckhard (2014). The Grammatical Annotation of Speech Corpora: Techniques and Perspectives. In: Tommaso Raso & Heliana Mello (eds.), Spoken Corpora and Linguistic Studies [SLC 61]. pp. 106-128. Amsterdam:John Benjamins

Bick, Eckhard (2014). Translating the Swedish Wikipedia into Danish. In: Accepted Abstracts of The 5th Swedish Language Technology Conference. SLTC 2014, Uppsala University, 13-14 Nov 2014

Bick, Eckhard (2014). Swedish-Danish Machine Translation in a Constraint Grammar Framework. In: Adam Przepiórkowski & Maciej Ogrodniczuk (eds.), Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on NLP, PolTAL 2014, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-19, 2014, pp. 216-227. Heidelberg:Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-10887-2

Bick, Eckhard (2014), ML-Optimization of Ported Constraint Grammars, In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2014 (Reykjavik, May 28-30, 2014). pp. 3382-3386. ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4

Bick, Eckhard (2014). PALAVRAS, a Constraint Grammar-based Parsing System for Portuguese. In: Tony Berber Sardinha & Thelma de Lurdes São Bento Ferreira (eds.), Working with Portuguese Corpora, pp 279-302. London/New York:Bloomsburry Academic. ISBN 978-1-4411-9050-5

Bick, Eckhard (2013), ML-Tuned Constraint Grammars, In: Proceedings of the 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, pp. 440-449. Taipei: Department of English, National Chengchi University. ISBN 978-986-03-8567-0

Bick, Eckhard (2013). Using Constraint Grammar for Chunking. In: S. Oepen, K. Hagen & J. B. Joannessen (Eds), Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013), May 22-24, Oslo, Norway. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings Vol. 85, pp. 13-26. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. (ISSN 1650-3740, ISBN 978-91-7519-589-6)

Bick, Eckhard (2013), Parsing Speech Data: The Automatic Grammatical Annotation of the C-ORAL-Brasil Corpus, In: Proceedings of GSCP 2012 (Belo Horizonte, February 29 - March 2, 2012). Firenze: Firenze University Press (Permalink:, pp. 27-32. ISBN 978-88-665-5351-9

Martin Holub, Vincent Kŕiž, Silvie Cinková & Eckhard Bick (2012): Tailored Feature Extraction for Lexical Disambiguation of English Verbs Based on Corpus Pattern Analysis. In: Martin Kay and Christian Boitet (eds), Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2012, Mumbai), Technical Papers. pp. 1195–1210.

Bick, Eckhard (2012), Towards a Semantic Annotation of English Television News - Building and Evaluating a Constraint Grammar FrameNet, In: Proceedings of the 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (Bali, 7-10 November, 2012). pp. 60-69. Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. ISBN 78-979-1421-17-1

Bick, Eckhard & Heliana Mello & Alessandro Panunzi & Tommaso Raso (2012), The Annotation of the C-ORAL-Brasil through the Implementation of the Palavras Parser, In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2012 (Istanbul, May 23-25, 2012). pp. 3382-3386. ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7

Bick, Eckhard (2012). A anotação gramatical do C-ORAL Brasil. In: Tommaso Raso & Heliana Mello (eds), C-ORAL-Brasil I - Corpus de referência do português brasileiro falado informal. Chapter 6, pp 223-254. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG. ISBN 978-85-7041-943-9

Bick, Eckhard (2011), A Barebones Constraint Grammar, In: Helena Hong Gao & Minghui Dong (eds), Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (Singapore, 16-18 December, 2011). pp. 226-235, ISBN 978-4-905166-02-3

Bick, Eckhard (2011). WikiTrans, The English Wikipedia in Esperanto. In: Constraint Grammar Applications, Workshop at NODALIDA 2011, Riga, Latvia. (forthcoming: NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 14, pp. 8-16. Tartu: Tartu University Library. ISSN 1736-6305)

Bick, Eckhard (2011). A FrameNet for Danish. In: Proceedings of NODALIDA 2011, May 11-13, Riga, Latvia. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol 11, pp.34-41. Tartu: Tartu University Library. (ISSN 1736-6305)

Bick, Eckhard (2011), WikiTrans: La angla Vikipedio en Esperanto In: Modernaj teknologioj por Esperanto (Proceedings of KAEST 2010, Modra, Slovakia). pp. 28-41. Espero/E@I, Partizánske. ISBN 978-80-89366-10-1

Bick, Eckhard (2011), DeepDict - Konteksta reta vortaro de vera lingvouzo, In: Modernaj teknologioj por Esperanto (Proceedings of KAEST 2010, Modra, Slovakia). pp. 15-27. Espero/E@I, Partizánske. ISBN 978-80-89366-10-1

Bick, Eckhard (2010), DeepDict - et korpusbaseret relationelt leksikon, In: Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld & Henrik Lorentzen (eds.), Lexico Nordica 17 - 2010, Leksikografi og språkteknologi i Norden. pp. 17-34 . LexicoNordica. ISSN 0805-2735

Bick, Eckhard & Greavu, Arina (2010). "A Grammatically Annotated Corpus of Romanian Business Texts". In: Dan Tufiş & Corina Forăscu: Multilinguality and Interoperability in Language Processing with Emphasis on Romanian. Bucharest: Romanian Academy Publishing House. pp 167-180. ISBN: 978-973-27-1972-5

Bick, Eckhard (2010), Degrees of Orality in Speech-like Corpora: Comparative Annotation of Chat and E-mail Corpora, In: Ryo Otoguru et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (Tohoku University, 4-7 November, 2010). pp. 721-729, ISBN 978-4-905166-00-9

Bick, Eckhard & Marcelo Módolo (2010). "Letters and Editorials: A grammatically annotated corpus of 19th century Brazilian Portuguese". In: Dermeval da Hora & Camilo Rosa Silva (eds): Para a História do Português Brasileiro: Abordagens e perspectivas, Vol VIII, pp. 29-36. João Pessoa: Idéia Editora. ISBN 978-85-7539-558-5

Bick, Eckhard (2010), FrAG, a Hybrid Constraint Grammar Parser for French, In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2010 (Malta, May 19-21, 2010). pp. xxx (ISBN 2-9517408-6-7)

Bick, Eckhard (2010), A Dependency-based Approach to Anaphora Annotation, in: (eds.) Extended Activities Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language Apr. 27-30. Porto Alegre, Brazil. pp. xxx. ISSN 2177-3580(original version, full length)

Fjeld, Ruth Vatvedt & Nygaard, Lars & Bick, Eckhard (2010). "Semi-Automatic Retrieval of Phraseological Units in a Corpus of Modern Norwegian". In: Stefaniya Plashnyk, Erla Hallsteinsdottir & Noah Bubenhofer (eds.) Corpora, Web and Databases. Phraseologie und Parömiologie Vol. 25, pp. 111-118. Baltmansweiler: Scheider Verlag Hohengehren. ISBN 973-3-8340-0733-9

Valverde, Pilar & Bick, Eckhard (2010). "A Web Corpus of Spanish Automatically Annotated with Semantic Roles". In: Sánchez, A. & M. Almela. 2010. A Mosaic of Corpus Linguistics. Selected Approaches. Berlin/Frankfurt: Peter Lang. [Oral presentation at: 1st International Conerence on Corpus Linguistics (CILC-09), Murcia May 7-9 2009] (ISBN 978-3-631-58789-8. ISSN 1436-1914)

Bick, Eckhard (2009). A Dependency Constraint Grammar for Esperanto. Constraint Grammar Workshop at NODALIDA 2009, Odense. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol 8, pp.8-12. Tartu: Tartu University Library. (ISSN 1736-6305)

Bick, Eckhard (2009). Introducing Probabilistic Information in Constraint Grammar Parsing. Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2009, Liverpool, UK. Electronically published at:

Bick, Eckhard (2009). DeepDict - A Graphical Corpus-based Dictionary of Word Relations. Proceedings of NODALIDA 2009. NEALT Proceedings Series Vol. 4. pp. 268-271. Tartu: Tartu University Library. ISSN 1736-6305

Bick, Eckhard & Valverde, Pilar (2009). Automatic Semantic Role Annotation for Spanish. Proceedings of NODALIDA 2009. NEALT Proceedings Series Vol. 4. pp. 215-218. Tartu: Tartu University Library. ISSN 1736-6305

Bick, Eckhard (2008). The PALAVRAS parser and its Linguateca applications - a mutually productive relationship. Linguateca: 10 anos (Curia, Portugal, 11 de Setembro de 2008). (Lecture slides)

Freitas, Cláudia & Rocha, Paulo & Bick, Eckhard (2008), "Floresta Sintá(c)tica: Bigger, Thicker and Easier", in: António Teixeira et al. (eds.) Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (Proceedings of PROPOR 2008, Aveiro, Sept. 8th-10th, 2008), pp.216-219. Springer

Garrão, Milena & Quental, Violeta & Caminada, Nuno & Bick, Eckhard (2008), "The Identification and Description of Frozen Prepositional Phrases through a Corpus-Oriented Study", in: António Teixeira et al. (eds.) Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (Proceedings of PROPOR 2008, Aveiro, Sept. 8th-10th, 2008), pp.220-223. Springer

Bick, Eckhard (2007-10), Hybrid Ways to Improve Domain Independence in an ML Dependency Parser, In: Proceedings of the CoNLL Shared Task Session of EMNLP-CoNLL-2007 (Prague, June 28-30, 2007). pp. 1119-1123

Bick, Eckhard (2007-9). Automatic Semantic Role Annotation for Portuguese. In: Proceedings of TIL 2007 - 5th Workshop on Information and Human Language Technology / Anais do XXVII Congresso da SBC (Rio de Janeiro, July 5-6, 2007). ISBN 85-7669-116-7, pp. 1713-1716 (unabridged version)

Bick, Eckhard (2007-8), "Functional Aspects in Portuguese NER". In: Diana Santos & Nuno Cardoso (eds.), Reconhecimento de entidades mencionadas em português: Documentação e actas do HAREM, a primeira avaliação conjunta na área.. pp. 145-155 (reprint of 2006-2) ISBN: 978-989-20-0731-1.

Bick, Eckhard (2007-7), Dan2eng: Wide-Coverage Danish-English Machine Translation, In: Bente Maegaard (ed.), Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI, 10-14. Sept. 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 37-43

Bick, Eckhard (2007-6), Tagging and Parsing an Artificial Language: An Annotated Web-Corpus of Esperanto, In: Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2007, Birmingham, UK. Electronically published at (, Nov. 2007)

Bick, Eckhard & Jens Ahlmann Hansen (2007-5). The Fyntour Multilingual Weather and Sea Dialogue System. In: Ron Artstein & Laure Vieu (eds.), Proceedings of DECALOG - The 2007 Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, May 30 - 1 June 2007. pp. 157-158 [long version -- short version]

Bick, Eckhard & Nygaard, Lars (2007-4). Using Danish as a CG Interlingua. A Wide-Coverage Norwegian-English Machine Translation System. In: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek & Mare Koit (eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, pp. 21-28. Tartu, Estonia. ISBN978-9985-4-0514-7

Bick, Eckhard (2007-3). Fra syntaks til semantik: Polysemiresolution igennem Dependensstrukturer i dansk-engelsk maskinoversættelse. In: Henrik Jørgensen & Peter Widell (eds.), Det bedre argument, Festschrift til Ole Togeby på 60-årsdagen pp.35-52

Bick, Eckhard (2007-2), Morfologia com sintaxe debaixo de olho, In: Santos, Diana (ed.), Avaliação Conjunta, Um novo paradigma no processamento computacional da língua portuguesa, Chapter 5. ISBN 978-972-8469-60-3

Bick, Eckhard & Santos, Diana & Afonso, Susana & Raquel, Marchi (2007-1), Floresta Sintá(c)tica: Ficção ou realidade, In: Santos, Diana (ed.), Avaliação Conjunta, Um novo paradigma no processamento computacional da língua portuguesa, Chapter 24. ISBN 978-972-8469-60-3

Bick, Eckhard (2006-7), Noun Sense Tagging: Semantic Prototype Annotation of a Portuguese Treebank, In: Hajic, Jan & Nivre, Joakim (red.), Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (December 1-2, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic), pp.127-138

Bick, Eckhard (2006-6). A Constraint Grammar-Based Parser for Spanish. In: Proceedings of TIL 2006 - 4th Workshop on Information and Human Language Technology (Ribeirão Preto, October 27-28, 2006). ISBN 85-87837-11-7

Vieira, R., E. Bick, J. Coelho, V. Muller, S. Collovini, J. Souza & L. Rino (2006-5), Semantic Tagging for Resolution of Indirect Anaphora, In Proceedings of the 7th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue (Sidney, July 15-16, 2006). pp. 76-79

Bick, Eckhard (2006-4), LingPars, a Linguistically Inspired, Language-Independent Machine Learner for Dependency Treebanks, In: Màrquez, Lluís & Klein, Dan (eds.), Proceedings of the CoNLL Shared Task Session of the Tenth Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-X, New York, June 8-9, 2006).

Bick, Eckhard (2006-3), Turning a Dependency Treebank into a PSG-style Constituent Treebank, In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.), Proc. 5th International Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2000 (Genova, May 24th-26th, 2006). pp. 1961-1964 (published on electronic media)

Bick, Eckhard (2006-2), "Functional Aspects in Portuguese NER", in: Renata Vieira et al. (eds.) Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (Proceedings of PROPOR 2006, Itatiaia, May 15th-17th, 2006), pp.80-89. Springer

Bick, Eckhard (2006-1), "A Constraint Grammar Based Spellchecker for Danish with a Special Focus on Dyslexics". In: Suominen, Mickael et al. (ed.) A Man of Measure: Festschrift in Honour of Fred Karlsson on his 60th Birthday. Special Supplement to SKY Jounal of Linguistics, Vol. 19 (ISSN 1796-279X), pp. 387-396. Turku: The Linguistic Association of Finland

Viela, Rui & Alberto Simões & Eckhard Bick & José João Almeida (2005-11). Representação em XML da Floresta Sintáctica. In: José Carlos Ramalho, Alberto Simões, João Correia Lopes (eds.) XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas (Proceedings of XATA 2005, Vila Verde, Braga, 10 e 11 de Fevereiro de 2005). Braga: Universidade de Minho. pp. 351-361. ISBN=972-99166-1-6

Bick, Eckhard & Marcelo Módolo (2005-10). Letters and Editorials: A grammatically annotated corpus of 19th century Brazilian Portuguese. In: Claus Pusch & Johannes Kabatek & Wolfgang Raible (eds.) Romance Corpus Linguistics II: Corpora and Historical Linguistics (Proceedings of the 2nd Freiburg Workshop on Romance Corpus Linguistics, Sept. 2003). pp. 271-280. Tübingen: Gunther Narr Verlag.

Bick, Eckhard (2005-9), Turning Constraint Grammar Data into Running Dependency Treebanks, In: Civit, Montserrat & Kübler, Sandra & Martí, Ma. Antònia (red.), Proceedings of TLT 2005 (4th Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theory, Barcelona, December 9th - 10th, 2005), pp.19-27

Uibo, Heli & Bick, Eckhard (2005-8), Treebank-based Research and E-Learning of Estonian Syntax. In Proceedings of Second Baltic Conference on Human Language TechnologiesTallinn, April 4-5, 2005. Editors: M. Langemets, P. Penjam. Pp. 195-200.

Bick, Eckhard (2005-7), Gramática Constritiva na Análise Automática de Sintaxe Portuguesa. In: Berber Sardinha, Tony (ed.), A Língua Portuguesa no Computador [The Portuguese Language on the Computer]. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, São Paulo: FAPESP. ISBN: 85-7591-044-2

Johannessen (2005-6), Janne Bondi & Bick, Eckhard & Hagen, Kristin & Haaland, Åsne & Jónsdottir, Andra Björk & Kokkinakis, Dimitris & Meurer, Paul & Nøklestad, Anders: Named Entity Recognition for the Mainland Scandinavian Languages. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 91-102. Oxford University Press

Bick, Eckhard (2005-5), CorpusEye:Et brugervenligt web-interface for grammatisk opmærkede korpora, In: Peter Widell & Mette Kunøe (eds.), 10. Møde om Udforskningen af Dansk Sprog 7.-8.okt.2004, Proceedings. pp.46-57, Århus University

Bick, Eckhard (2005-4), Live use of Corpus data and Corpus annotation tools in CALL: Some new developments in VISL, In: Henrik Holmboe (red.), Nordic Language Technology, Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004 (Yearbook 2004). pp.171-186. Copenhaguen: Museum Tusculanum

Bick, Eckhard & Uibo, Heli & Müürisep, Kaili (2005-3), Arborest - a VISL-Style Treebank Derived from an Estonian Constraint Grammar Corpus, In: Kübler, Sandra et al. (red.), Proceedings of TLT 2004 (3nd Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theory, Tübingen, December 10th - 11th, 2004), pp.1-14

Bick, Eckhard & Uibo, Heli & Müürisep, Kaili (2005-2), Arborest - a Growing Treebank of Estonian, In: Henrik Holmboe (red.), Nordic Language Technology, Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004 (Yearbook 2004). pp.125-142. Copenhaguen: Museum Tusculanum

Bick, Eckhard (2005-1), Grammar for Fun: IT-based Grammar Learning with VISL. In: Henriksen, Peter Juel (ed.), CALL for the Nordic Languages. pp.49-64. København: Samfundslitteratur (Copenhagen Studies in Language)

Maegaard, B.; Bick, E; Dalsgaard, P; Kirchmeyer-Andersen, S.; Togeby, O.; Henriksen, B.H. (2004-7). Strategisk satsning på dansk sprogteknologi. København: Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd

Santos, Diana et al. (2004-6), Linguateca: um centro de recursos distribuído para o processamento computacional da língua portuguesa. IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Inteligencia Artificial (IBERAMIA 2004), Tonantzintla, México, Nov. 23rd 2004.

Bick, Eckhard (2004-5), A Named Entity Recognizer for Danish, In: Lino et al. (eds.), Proc. 4th International Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2000 (Lisbon, 2004), pp. 305-308.

Bick, Eckhard (2004-4), Parsing and evaluating the French Europarl corpus, In: Patrick Paroubek, Isabelle Robba & Anne Vilnat (red.): Méthodes et outils pour lévaluation des analyseurs syntaxiques (Journée ATALA, May 15, 2004). pp. 4-9. Paris: ATALA.

Salmon-Alt, Susanne & Bick, Eckhard & Romary, Laurent & Pierrel, Jean-Marie (2004-3), La FReeBank: Vers une base libre de corpus annotés, In: Bernard Bel & Isabelle Marlien (eds), 11th Conference on Natural Language Processing (TALN 2004, April 19-22, 2004). pp. 419-428. Fès: ATALA.

Bick, Eckhard (2004-2), PaNoLa: Integrating Constraint Grammar and CALL, In: Henrik Holmboe (red.), Nordic Language Technology, Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004 (Yearbook 2003). p.183-190, Copenhaguen: Museum Tusculanum

Bick, Eckhard (2004-1), Arboretum, a Hybrid Treebank for Danish, In: Henrik Holmboe (red.), Nordic Language Technology, Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004 (Yearbook 2003). p.207-220, Copenhaguen: Museum Tusculanum

Bick, Eckhard (2003-8). "A Constraint Grammar Based Question-Answering System for Portuguese". In: Fernando Moura Pires & Salvador (eds.) Progress in Artificial Intelligence (Proceedings of EPIA'2003, Beja, Dec. 2003), pp. 414-418. Springer

Bick, Eckhard (2003-7), Arboretum, a Hybrid Treebank for Danish, in: Joakim Nivre & Erhard Hinrich (eds.), Proceedings of TLT 2003 (2nd Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theory, Växjö, November 14-15, 2003), pp.9-20. Växjö University Press

Bick, Eckhard (2003-6), "Multi-Level NER for Portuguese in a CG Framework", in: Nuno J. Mamede et al. (eds.) Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (Proceedings of PROPOR2003, Faro, June 26-27, 2003), pp.118-125. Springer

Bick, Eckhard (2003-5), "Multi-Level NER in a CG framework", in Proceedings of NoDaLiDa2003, 30-31. May 2003, Reykjavik, forthcoming

Bick, Eckhard (2003-4), A CG & PSG Hybrid Approach to Automatic Corpus Annotation, In: Kiril Simow & Petya Osenova (eds.), Proceedings of SProLaC2003 (at Corpus Linguistics 2003, Lancaster), pp. 1-12

Bick, Eckhard (2003-3), PaNoLa - The Danish Connection, In: Henrik Holmboe (red.) Nordic Language Technology, Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004 (Yearbook 2002). pp. 75-88. Copenhaguen: Museum Tusculanum (some results and applicative linguistic research concerning the Danish Constraint Grammar).

Bick, Eckhard (2003-2), Named Entity Recognition for Danish, In: Henrik Holmboe (red.), Nordic Language Technology, Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004 (Yearbook 2002). p.331-349, Copenhaguen: Museum Tusculanum

Bick, Eckhard (2003-1), Morfosyntaktisk opmærkede corpora for Dansk: Korpus90/2000 og Arboretum. In: Peter Widell & Mette Kunøe (eds.), 9. Møde om Udforskningen af Dansk Sprog 10.-11.okt.2002, Proceedings. pp.43-54, Århus University

Bick, Eckhard (2002-3), Grammy i Klostermølleskoven - "VISL light": Tværsproglig sætningsanalyse for begyndere (Teaching Manual), Århus: Mnemo,

Afonso, Susana, Eckhard Bick, Renato Haber & Diana Santos (2002-2), Floresta sintá(c)tica: a treebank for Portuguese, In Proceedings of LREC'2002, Las Palmas. pp. 1698-1703, Paris: ELRA

Afonso, Susana, Eckhard Bick, Renato Haber & Diana Santos (2002-1), Floresta sintá(c)tica: um treebank para o português, Anabela Gonçalves & Clara Nunes Correia (orgs.), Actas do XVII Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (Lisboa, 2-4 de Outubro de 2001), Lisboa: APL, 2002, pp.533-45

Bick, Eckhard (2001-3), VISL - tværsproglig computerbaseret grammatikundervisning, in: Sproglig Mangfoldighed (Proceedings of Gymsprog Konference 15.-17. November 2001), pp. 39-45, Gymsprog (

Bick, Eckhard (2001-2), En Constraint Grammar Parser for Dansk, in Peter Widell & Mette Kunøe (eds.), 8. Møde om Udforskningen af Dansk Sprog, 12.-13. oktober 2000, pp. 40-50, Århus University

Bick, Eckhard (2001-1), The VISL System: Research and applicative aspects of IT-based learning. In: Proceedings of NoDaLiDa 2001 (Uppsala), forthcoming or internet-published

Bick, Eckhard (2000-4), Ensino de Sintaxe Portuguesa na Internet. In: Proceedings of II Encontro Internacional de Português-Língua Estrangeira (15-17.09.2000, Universidade de São Paulo)

Santos, Diana & Bick, Eckhard (2000-3), Providing Internet access to Portuguese corpora: the AC/DC project, In: Gavriladou et al. (eds.), Proc. 2nd International Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2000 (Athens, 2000), pp. 205-210.

Bick, Eckhard (2000-2), The Parsing System Palavras - Automatic Grammatical Analysis of Portuguese in a Constraint Grammar Famework, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press (preprint version) -- dr.phil. thesis (cf. the Disputatio for an introduction)

Bick, Eckhard (2000-1), Portuguese Syntax (Teaching Manual), also Repositorio/Bick_Portuguese_Syntax3.doc and

Bick, Eckhard (1998-2), Tagging Speech Data - Constraint Grammar Analysis of Spoken Portuguese, in: Proceedings of the 17th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics (Odense 1998), pp. 44-56

Bick, Eckhard (1998-1), Structural Lexical Heuristics in the Automatic Analysis of Portuguese, in: Maegaard, Bente (ed.), The 11th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (Nodalida '98), Proceedings. pp. 44-56, Copenhaguen

Bick, Eckhard (1997-3), Automatisk analyse af portugisisk skriftsprog. In: Jensen, Per Anker & Jørgensen, Stig. W. & Hørning, Anette (eds.), Danske ph.d.-projekter i datalingvistik, formel lingvistik og sprogteknologi, pp. 22-20, Kolding Business School

Bick, Eckhard (1997-2), Dependensstrukturer i Constraint Grammar Syntaks for Portugisisk, in: Brøndsted, Tom & Lytje, Inger (eds), Sprog og Multimedier, pp. 39-57, Aalborg University

Bick, Eckhard (1997-1), Internet Based Grammar Teaching. In: Christoffersen, Ellen & Music, Bradley (eds.), Datalingvistisk Forenings Årsmøde 1997 i Kolding, Proceedings, pp. 86-106. Kolding: Institut for Erhvervssprog og Sproglig Informatik, Handelshøjskole Syd

Bick, Eckhard (1996), Automatic Parsing of Portuguese. In García, Laura Sánchez (ed.), Anais / II Encontro para o Processamento Computacional de Português Escrito e Falado. Curitiba: CEFET-PR.

Bick, Eckhard (1993-1995-1997-2003): Portugisisk - Dansk Ordbog, Århus: Mnemo

Wulff, Anette

Wulff, Anette (2006): "VISL in Danish schools", "English Teaching: Practice and Critique", Volume 5, May, online.

Wulff, Anette (2005): "VISL i det danske skolesystem" (The use of VISL in Danish Schools), Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram, Museum Tusculanums Forlag, Denmark, pp. 187-193.

Wulff, Anette (2002): (with Ella Wollesen) "VISL: IT, Internettet og grammatikundervisning i dansk og fremmedsprog på HHX." (VISL, the Internet, and the teaching of grammar at Danish business colleges). Handelsskolen, 3/2002.

Wulff, Anette (1994): (with Marianne Thomsen) "Man and Technology." Forlaget Futurum, Denmark.

Wulff, Anette (1997): (with Marianne Thomsen) "PCs and Stuff." Forlaget Futurum, Denmark.


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