Steffen Denize (English and Danish)
Student Assistant
Work Phone: (+ 45) 65 50 33 62
Spørgeskema på dansk
Spørgeskema på engelsk
Steffen Denize started studying English at SDU Odense in 1999 and joined the VISL-project in June 2002.
He works with English and Danish grammar but is currently working on the pedagogical interface and the maintenance of the VISL site.
He has previously constructed the homepage for the 2002 The Way We Think Research Symposium on Conceptional Integration for Institute for Language and Communication.
Having recieved his BA in English, he continued his academic aspirations and is now studing to have a MA in media design, technology and development.
His linguistic interests are syntactic theory, sociolinguistics and language philosophy as formulated by the Continental 'school'. A newly found interest of his is Object-Oriented Programming and Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
Combining studies from the Humanities, Social Sciences and Technology & Engineering he is now writing his thesis on usablity in connection with the VISL-programme.
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