Uwe Kjær Nissen (Spanish)
Work Phone: (+ 45) 65 50 33 24
Home Phone: (+ 45) 65 95 78 98
Telefax: (+ 45) 65 93 51 41
Uwe Kjær Nissen is Associate Professor ('lektor') in Spanish
linguistics at the Institute of Language and Communication, Odense
University. His main fields of research are - apart from the
VISL-project - gender and language, grammatical gender, translation
studies and Spanish syntax and pragmatics.
Some of his publications:
Nissen, Uwe Kjær. 1991. "Feminiseringstendenser i moderne
spansk ["Tendencies towards the feminisation of modern
Spanish"]." Ph. D. dissertation (unpublished, in Danish), Odense
Nissen, Uwe Kjær. 1994. "Is cook ´der Koch´ or
´die Köchin´?" Hermes. Journal of Linguistics 12:
Nissen, Uwe Kjær. 1997a. "Do sex-neutral and sex-specific
nouns exists: The way to non-sexist Spanish." In Kommunikation von
Geschlecht. Communication of gender, Linck, Gudula and Pasero, Ursula
(eds.), 222-241. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus.
Nissen, Uwe Kjær. 1997b. "Soziolinguistik der Syntax?
Genuskongruenz im Spanischen aus feministischer Sicht." In Sprache
und Geschlecht in der Romania. Romanistisches Kolloquium X, Dahmen,
Wolfgang et al. (eds.), 321-344. Tübingen: Gunther Narr.
Nissen, Uwe Kjær. 1997c (2nd ed.). Syntaktisk analyse af
spanske se - konstruktioner, Noter og Kommentarer fra Romanske
Centre, 110. Odense University.
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