GrammarSoft ApS

English -> Quizzes  Visual Interactive Syntax Learning  
English VISLSentence AnalysisEdutainmentCorpora

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Grammar Quizzes
   Match forms: Match form labels, colors, and cross-language terminology.
Match functions: Match function labels and cross-language terminology.
Prepositions I: Fill in the blank, testing prepositions.
Spot the Error: A combined short answer and multiple choice quiz.
Word Formation: Fill in the blank, testing word-formation.
KillerFiller KillerFiller is a multi-functional slot filler exercise.

These quizzes test general knowledge of English grammar. Match forms tests the user's knowledge of word class terminology. Match functions tests the user's knowledge of function labels. Spot the Error is based on examination questions from VISL's home base - the University of Southern Denmark, Odense -, while the Fill in the blank quizzes have been contributed by teachers at Danish secondary schools. VISL welcomes all contributions of similar questions and suggestions for additional quizzes.

Match forms and Match functions have been designed and implemented by Morten Baun Moeller, while Prepositions I and Word Formation have been prepared by Steven Breunig. Thanks to Poul Husum Sørensen, Odense Katedralskole, and other VISL contributors.


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