GrammarSoft ApS

Norwegian (bokmål)  Visual Interactive Syntax Learning  
Norwegian (bokmål) VISLSentence AnalysisEdutainment

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Norwegian (bokmål) VISL
 Overview This link returns you to this navigation guide to Norwegian (bokmål) VISL.
 Credits View references and credits.
 Info View information specific to Norwegian (bokmål) VISL:
 Tools Translate a Norwegian text into Danish or English (for Danish-Norwegian cf. the Danish section).
Sentence Analysis
 Pre-analyzed View and work with grammatical analyses of pre-analyzed Norwegian (bokmål) sentences.
 Machine Analysis View and work with computer-generated grammatical analyses in various modes.
 Games Test your skills with form and function language games.
 Quizzes Test your skills with form and function quizzes.

In order to continue using the Java applets, see troubleshooting tips and Download Java.
On Windows use Internet Explorer 11. macOS no longer supports Java applets.
The Chrome extension CheerpJ Applet Runner may work for some use-cases.

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