GrammarSoft ApS

Norwegian (nynorsk) -> Automatic parse -> Upload interface  Visual Interactive Syntax Learning  
Norwegian (nynorsk) VISLSentence AnalysisEdutainment

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Upload interface

This interface makes it possible to upload a larger textfile for parsing with the VISL-system. When the file is uploaded, a notification will be shown together with an aproximation of the time needed to parse the file. Finally a link will be shown to where the analysed version of your text can be retrieved. Currently only plain textfiles in Unicode UTF-8 format are accepted (maximum size 10000 characters), which can be uploaded directly from a folder on your local computer. If you need to process more, contact us for a processing agreement. Please make sure your text does not contain any formatting information from MS Word or another text processor.

Upload Form

Your email
Corpus file
Corpus license

Structure Parser Visualization Notational convention


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On Windows use Internet Explorer 11. macOS no longer supports Java applets.
The Chrome extension CheerpJ Applet Runner may work for some use-cases.

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